
Agreed. There are lots of issues with the iOS 7 icons — stylistic consistency and proportionality problems abound — but the palette really sticks out like a sore thumb. Black + white + pastel/neon really paints Apple into a corner for the future, and it's such an isolated color set that these new app icons won't jibe

Well, to answer your question with a question, does the Speed Force provide The Flash (while moving) with the level of physical invulnerability that Superman possesses? If it doesn't, then The Flash wouldn't be able to punch as hard as Supes, for fear of damaging himself.

Totally. It's also a matter of where your parents grew up, too. I grew up in Oregon, but my parents were from Detroit, so I called it "pop", growing up. Only once I started college, and then moving around afterwards, did I slowly switch over to "soda".

I'm so glad you posted this. This is the absolute best scene in this movie, IMO, and a top scene in any superhero movie.

Adding two more buttons wouldn't turn it into a paperweight, you're right. But what it would do for many users goes back to your original complaint: being unable to successfully complete tasks without looking at the device. Adding more buttons to your headphone control now means you have to navigate — by touch — and

Gawd, yes. The Atari 2600 ports of Pac-Mac and Donkey Kong were the absolute worst. But, man, did my friends and I skip a lot of high school 6th periods after lunch by staying at my place and playing Atari.

I did a Project 365 (one picture a day, for a year) back in 2010, and was looking for a way to print out some of my favorites, but given that most of my pix were taken via Hipstamatic and my iPhone, it was really difficult to find a place that could print out good-quality square photos.

Late '80s: Using our VAX email accounts and GOPHER to connect from the University of Oregon to other college campuses, and grabbing everything we could via FTP from the fantastic Mac archives at the University of Michigan. (RIP, UMich Archives)

Totally. Plus, anyone driving by will think you have Marcellus Wallace's briefcase in your front seat.

I know, that one's kinda sad. Poor guy doesn't have anybody, so he had to make one of his own. Aww. :-(

That real-world Holodeck example reminds me more of a real-life Stellar Cartography:

She's awesome... but I'd still much rather watch Remy Lacroix do it.

Just installed 21.0 on my MacBook Pro, and it launched in about half the time as the previous version. A promising start.

Agreed! I was really hoping to see Bell turn up in somewhere in the last few episodes (without his hand, I suppose), but sadly, I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

If you keep following that same line, they mark out Star Trek and Firefly as 30-minute TV shows as well.

I'm getting a real Eden Prime vibe from the pic at the top.

The funny (or sad, depending on how you look at it) thing is I've never found a good replacement for Fireworks. The near-perfect combination of tools for digital design.

Beyond the fact that the Pont Neuf, by itself, is an amazing bridge completed in 1607... add the incredible feat of wrapping this 200-meter long, 22-meter wide bridge in more than 450,000 sqft of luminous fabric, 8 miles of rope, and 12 tons of steel chains to keep it all in place.

Totally — I have a Switcheasy case on mine, and it fits into the dock perfectly. I have one of the original docks via their Kickstarter campaign, and it's awesome. I use it for my iPhone 4S from work, and just grabbed another one for my iPhone 5 at home.

Perhaps they'll push the ability to download pretty much any Adobe app for a 30-day trial, which you can already do, but many people don't realize.