
Love my Roku. Wife tells me it's the best $100 I've spent on a gadget in a long time. I love the idea of the AppleTV (with all the Macs and iPhones in the house), but it just doesn't offer enough to compare.

Wholeheartedly agree, and the way we've watched Supernatural has directly powered my feelings. We've never watched the show live; I've read enough about it here, so my wife and I decided to jump into it on Netflix.

This kinda sucks. I've been looking for a good Mac Mail replacement for my wife, but with both Thunderbird and now Sparrow at end-of-life, we're running out of options here. I've already taken the plunge and bought Sparrow, so hopefully what it does now will be good enough.

Since you probably want to maintain all that good work you did in Parts 4 + 5, maybe move "Back up your Mac" from Part 3 to the bottom slot?

Yep. That's how Walter, Etta, and alt-Desmond escaped the Massive Dynamic facility after reintegrating the errant parts of Walter's brain.

I'm sure not this means obsolescence. When they switched from mac.com to me.com, your old mac.com address still worked (and still does — I still use mine regularly). So I'm hoping this means that if you now tack icloud.com onto your existing ID, the previous two domains will still work as well.

These are fantastic. Seeing Big Barda walking around the quad would be an amazing site, indeed. :-)

I'm assuming it's the medical scanner attachment that's part of a medical tricorder. McCoy always waved it around his patient and then checked the results on the tricorder.

I avoid 3D movies like the plague, so adding another "dimension" won't pry my wallet open.

Love that wireless Bluetooth keyboard, but I need a numeric keypad. Has anyone seen something aesthetically comparable that they've had good results with?

The Penclic mouse looks pretty cool. My wife was just diagnosed with tennis elbow (not caused by tennis, but by mousing), so making a change to something like this could be really helpful.

I'm reasonably sure this will *never* happen... but how about some DLC that shows us what the hell happens to Shepard after a 5000+ War Assets Destroy finish? There I am, on Earth (maybe?), breathing (I think), so... what now?

Has the new Firefox extension dropped yet? Mine still sits at 1.90.6, and asking for updates comes back with nothing.

This warms my heart. The IIgs was the first computer I bought with my own money (after selling the IIc my mom bought me for college), and I spent way too much time in Ultima III and Bard's Tale on that thing. Had a great music program for it, too, since its polyphony was a big selling point back then.

I'd say Gen X has as much, if not more, emotional investment in the 8-bit aesthetic. Gen Y definitely got a healthy dose, but they were still gleams in their fathers' eyes at the beginning.

Agreed. We have older MagSafe power adapters in key locations throughout the house — while $10/apiece feels a bit steep, it's worth it to not have all these adapters become suddenly useless.

Wow, so much hate here. More than I would have expected.

What an incredible, heartfelt tribute to Fred Rogers. Thanks so much for sharing this, Michael.

Nope, I'm with you. No Facebook account here, either.

I'm going to temporarily ignore all the potentially bad things about this event (radioactivity, etc.) to mention that Newport, OR is a great little town. My wife and I got engaged there. :-)