
Has the new Firefox extension dropped yet? Mine still sits at 1.90.6, and asking for updates comes back with nothing.

This warms my heart. The IIgs was the first computer I bought with my own money (after selling the IIc my mom bought me for college), and I spent way too much time in Ultima III and Bard's Tale on that thing. Had a great music program for it, too, since its polyphony was a big selling point back then.

I'd say Gen X has as much, if not more, emotional investment in the 8-bit aesthetic. Gen Y definitely got a healthy dose, but they were still gleams in their fathers' eyes at the beginning.

Agreed. We have older MagSafe power adapters in key locations throughout the house — while $10/apiece feels a bit steep, it's worth it to not have all these adapters become suddenly useless.

Wow, so much hate here. More than I would have expected.

What an incredible, heartfelt tribute to Fred Rogers. Thanks so much for sharing this, Michael.

Nope, I'm with you. No Facebook account here, either.

I'm going to temporarily ignore all the potentially bad things about this event (radioactivity, etc.) to mention that Newport, OR is a great little town. My wife and I got engaged there. :-)

Very nice, and way more awesome than the main campus in Redmond. I mean, it's nice to have your own office, but nothing fun or engaging about the environment.

In many cases, if a body destined for cremation isn't going on public viewing (i.e open-viewing funeral), it isn't embalmed. So no chance for a posthumous liposuction.

Why are you assuming s/he didn't read the article? Perhaps s/he is just commenting on how useful a 4K video is on one's standard TV equipment at home.

Does anyone have an idea of scale on this thing? I couldn't find anything specific on the artist's site, but could have totally missed it.

We've been using a comal for cooking tortillas for years. Feels like it gives me a bit more control on how cooked they turn out (my wife likes her VERY cooked, while I don't).

Totally showing my age here, but I'd say Thor looks like a vintage Dapper Dan doll. Yep, had one of these guys.

So very awesome. Just pledged $75!

Agreed! More magic to balance out the science.

This Spoiler day makes me all kinds of happy!

I'm sounding like some crazy contrarian, but I still don't believe the Apple iTV thing. Won't believe it until I see the actual product, given that there just seems to be good reasons for Apple *not* to do this.

I have no problems with GarageBand. Lots of folks (including me) use it regularly with no issues. What might be non-intuitive for you, isn't for everyone.

If you're on a Mac, and have iLife, you shouldn't be using iTunes to make ringtones. GarageBand can knock 'em out super-fast and easy.