
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra!

Actually, it's a different initiative than SOPA/Protect IP. As of late, it's been called the Innovative Design Protection and Piracy Prevention Act (IDPPPA).

Wrong. Fashion design is not copyrightable — at least, not in the USA. The EU has a three-year protection timeframe for original designs, and there's a bill currently pushing its way through the US Congress that would protect fashion designers.

It all starts to make sense, when you look through the firm's site, go to "Graphic Design" under Services, and see that they're proud to mention that all their designers are fully versed in Adobe Creative Suite *3* and Quark Xpress.

So far, I've been really happy with mine. Sturdy, feels well-made. The lenses screw on and off cleanly and smoothly. The Macro lens is *very* macro, so be prepared to take really tight shots.

Wow. Just pick up an olloclip, instead. I love mine.

Asking Siri to remember a GPS location would be a great addition. Siri does, however, already know how to respond to "Thank you." In many cases, she's responded to me with, "I live to serve."

Sadly, not as high as we had hoped, especially after the overly sappy first episode. We've DVRed the series so far, and slowly working through them.

What Win7 really *does* need is a way to immediately kick in or stop the screensaver, which this provides.

If you're into extra lenses for your iPhone, I'd suggest you look at olloclip. It was a Kickstarter project, and it doesn't require sticking anything to your phone to attach the lenses. I love mine.

"Infamous", in that there are some Star Wars fans that were (and still are, I'd imagine) unhappy with the rather anticlimactic demise of Boba Fett.

Great stuff, awesome recommendation. Thrown into my iTunes Wishlist for safe keeping.

Oh, c'mon now. Anyone who ever watched Ren & Stimpy knows the Flying Butt Pliers when they see it. :)

Love that movie!

Still a little skeptical about this. Consumers don't buy TVs the same way they buy Macs — on a two-year lifecycle. I'm sure there are some folks who buy a new TV every two years, but I'm betting they're a small minority. Many folks have no problem with plunking down another $300 for a new phone after just plunking

Nice. Thx!

Hmmm, could be another reason to finally pick up an iPad. I'd love to see this transform into more of a Slingbox-kinda thing, where you would be able to watch your programming and your DVR-ed shows from anywhere.

Yep, I definitely thought, "Naked Lady Vampires from Outer Space" when I read this, too.

I see lots of potential here, but ugh, the UI color palette! Looks like the colors were chosen off an old Apple //e.

Mine was an Apple IIc, that I got as a graduation gift to take with me to college. Tiny little green monitor, big 5.25 floppies, and an Apple Scribe thermal printer. I loved that little guy.