
Oh, c'mon now. Anyone who ever watched Ren & Stimpy knows the Flying Butt Pliers when they see it. :)

Love that movie!

Still a little skeptical about this. Consumers don't buy TVs the same way they buy Macs — on a two-year lifecycle. I'm sure there are some folks who buy a new TV every two years, but I'm betting they're a small minority. Many folks have no problem with plunking down another $300 for a new phone after just plunking

Nice. Thx!

Hmmm, could be another reason to finally pick up an iPad. I'd love to see this transform into more of a Slingbox-kinda thing, where you would be able to watch your programming and your DVR-ed shows from anywhere.

Yep, I definitely thought, "Naked Lady Vampires from Outer Space" when I read this, too.

I see lots of potential here, but ugh, the UI color palette! Looks like the colors were chosen off an old Apple //e.

Mine was an Apple IIc, that I got as a graduation gift to take with me to college. Tiny little green monitor, big 5.25 floppies, and an Apple Scribe thermal printer. I loved that little guy.

8) Untitled "Q on a beach" story, Star Trek: Voyager:

Glad to see this site pointed out. We live in the Bay Area, and with every tiny shudder, my wife runs to this site to see what's shaking.

The initial concept of "Threshold" really wasn't bad: the scientific premise of Warp 10 as infinite speed, so that if you're able to travel at Warp 10, you're effectively in all locations at the same time. I liked that part. It gets dumb when exposure to Warp 10 travel apparently devolves Paris and Janeway into

Indeed, this makes SO much more sense for the Kindle — something my wife (who's desperately in love with hers) and I chat about all the time.

Congratulations! You just earned the "Light It Up!" badge from Altria.com!

This reminds me of an old saying that seems apropos:

Embrace the concept that 50% of what you learn in college has _nothing_ to do with classes.

This is what ultimately led us to leave Seattle. Fantastic town, but when we had 42 straight days of rain, it was time to bail. Even after growing up on the Oregon Coast, the dark, damp, and cold was too much for me.

"All of these features-and being one of the first iPad apps that really brings the promise of handwriting on the iPad..."

Now playing

The link provided in the paragraph above actually links to the intro for the crappy '80s version where Jonny and Hadji are teenagers. You want this one, instead.

All "ridiculous religious zealotry" comments aside, I do appreciate how they picked up sound effects from old Hanna-Barbera cartoons.