
The Amy Pond Mucha homage is my iPhone lock screen. :)

Agreed. And what the hell is "loitering" in a coffee shop?! I buy coffee, I sit there. Am I required to be doing something?

It would suck, though, being able to only turn right.

This is how my two design contractors and I share files — a great way to collaborate on wireframes and site designs.

Much better. That means Hipstamatic users can have some dead-tree fun, too.

One of the things I love so much about Star Trek is how folks can see the various series in such radically different ways.

Showing my age, but let's not forget that creepy-weird dummy from "Magic" in the '70s.

Season Two is definitely good, but nothing beats the magic of Season One... except that stupid part with the cougar.

Maybe Pete's Dragon can finally get some tail.

Ooh, totally. The idea was fun, but it just d...r...a...g...g...e...d. Cutting the running time in half wouldn't hurt it a bit.

Actually, what should die is this 3D fad. Let it gracefully retire with Sensurround and Smell-o-Vision.

"There are building codes that dictate the direction of swing of a door. They can not open out. "

For something a bit geekier, this outfit could be turned into a Star Trek TOS-style computer.

Or how about just smarter contractors who design public restroom layouts so that the doors always open *out*, rather than in?

I'm assuming this, but thought I'd get clarification: CrashPlan does NOT create a bootable backup, correct? You just point it at folders and it grabs whatever's in there, saving either locally or online?

We're still going. No real vacation for me since 2007, so it's the Turks and Caicos or bust.

I hope the investors kept the receipt for their little $41M spend.

Thanks for the heads up — just added it to our Queue. :)

Hmmm. My wife's original iPhone is showing its age, and I was hoping to swap it out in June. If this means September, that's pushing it out quite a bit.

From my experience, recruiters. I don't often get hit with random requests that just seem to be out to gather up resumes. In the vast majority of cases, they're real folks working for real companies (including Amazon last year, funny enough), looking to fill real positions.