@crosis101: They also made an arcade version of TRON Disk Wars, although I'm not sure how similar the two games were.
@crosis101: They also made an arcade version of TRON Disk Wars, although I'm not sure how similar the two games were.
Actually, I see something very Collector-ish in #1. This could be from Mass Effect 3, when Sheppard has returned to Earth to... well, generally blow s$%t up and make out with random teammates.
@algomeysa: I left a 5th grade Halloween party early and rushed home so I wouldn't miss this.
@Alizarin: I did get a kick out of watching Ericka just sing, "Blah, blah, blah" there at the end, though.
@whormongr: Indeed. No creepy here for me. I actually watched it with the volume off, so maybe the music would make it creepy?
Ooh, I wonder if would work on my HP/Compaq TC1100? Looks like a potential Turkey Day project. :)
@spikespeigel: Could it possibly be that Peter has known (or had suspicions) for some time that Fauxlivia isn't *our* Olivia? That he's been playing along, just to see if he could figure out what her angle is? I mean, he did make that comment early on this season that she had changed...
Does this mean that Legos are one step closer to being considered "alive", now that they can self-replicate?
What's the visor made from? Something from a motorcycle helmet?
@hostile-17: Agreed on the Beatles. I mean, doesn't anyone who likes the Beatles *already* have their music in iTunes, through ripping of the CDs that they already own... or other methods?
@MonkeyT: The Apocalypse. Brought to you by Dole.
It took me a minute or two for my spatial acuity to kick in so I could understand just how you'd hold this thing.
I just use Twitthat to throw cool links into my Twitter feed. Works great, no muss.
@nipsen (loves the new review-style): "Ah, a keyboard. How quaint."
Ah, Amy Pond. You're my new iPhone wallpaper.
@hwilam: Could be Yog-Sothoth as well.
Eyepatch, wrong side. Just sayin'.
Morena Baccarin as the Wasp? That's a casting I'd definitely vote for — much better than those half-crazy Olivia Munn musings back during Iron Man 2 production.
@e30 guy: LOL, way better! :)
@dnwilliams: I'm sorry... who?