
I gave my bosses (There are two) my personal email address for emergencies. Well, it turns out that there are a lot of emergencies popping up, because I am getting personal emails almost every week from one of my bosses.Granted, some of them are real emergencies, but most of them are over things I cannot fix until I

I am having a Devil Wears Prada situation at the office. details in a reply if I can get that working

You had me at Corgi.

I work two days a week at a job that often goes into overtime. Those two days alone stress me out.I can't imagine being my aunt and uncle, who are my bosses. They practically live in the office, and it's sad and scary to see. I worry that it would be rude to share this article with them, however.

Hooray for weekends! New Portlandia tonight, and then Downton Abbey on Sunday.To top it all off, I'm dog-sitting a pair of Chihuahuas, so there will be dogs. Yay dogs!

Last year I had to thaw the turkey in the bathtub. I do not want to do that again, so I kind of want to get it tonight so that it's assured to be 100% thawed by The Big Day. I make a big deal when it comes to making turkey because it can so easily come out a dry mess.

Folks, I am torn. I work two jobs and make just enough to live comfortably.I like that I make enough money to buy things that I need, but there is a problem: I hate both of my jobs. I am constantly overcome with the urge to quite one or both of my jobs . Both of these jobs do nothing for my professional goal of being

long time, no post! I am reaching out to anyone here who might know of a way to read the Moomin books translated online or otherwise. I have often heard about the series before, but I've just read a piece of the comic (where I think Moomintroll has to get rid of mooching relatives), and I am enchanted.

I'm a recent convert to The Puppy Bowl, and am totally in love (bad puns and all)

@Swarley: Oh! That's good to hear!It was relatively inexpensive, too, so that brand is a real winner

@freshlygrounded: It's titled Diet Chocolate Fudge Soda, and it's sold at Shoprite under this brand called "waist watchers", which is the generic Shoprite brand. I hope it's not something that's only sold where I live, because I'd love for you to be able to share in the joy and addiction it causes.

Diet Chocolate Soda is going to bring my inevitable demisel, and I've only had one glass of it.

@lalie (apologetic mess): That was the best news to come. Still, the second series isn't coming soon enough...I worry I'll become a hopeless mess by the time it airs.


Anyone else excited about Downton Abbey tonight?There 'aint no drama like a Period Drama !

Going through flickr and seeing all the lovely things people are doing with their houses is how I've been spending my free time.Time well spent, IMO.

I just watched Hot Fuzz, so I won't be sleeping until I purge my mind of the gory bits and keep the crowning moments of awesome.This looks like a job for...ASIAN DRAMAS!

I'm sorry, I read about a new Pippi Longstocking movie and my mind went blank with joy.