El El

Enslaved deserves a mention here...

Everything is improving in summation which means your screwed when your contract is up cause we aren't gonna let you keep that nice unlimited plan...

Sorry to bug you even more but there just so happens to be a game called Space Marine coming out soon that has my panties in a bunch... I can feel them in the back of my throat I'm so excited. So sure your entitled to your generalizations but the only real Space Marine for me is one that works for the

agreed... retribution is such a kick ass game...

such a great moment...

ha ha me thinks he has compulsion issues... A look into the mental stability of this young man might be very revealing...

I love and miss those intense moments... the baaltar colony rescue by the adamas always gets me blood pumping... or anything tigh says... particularly his speeches... loved his character...

I hope this works... nope... apparently not

The Informant was very slow paced though... I remember liking some of it but not the entire thing...

actually I thought imperial gaurd/space marines...

So your telling me it needs moar KotoR?

awww this makes me miss fighting in a bathroom setting with green plastic soldiers... where are my house cat boss fights and toy car vehicle rail shooter sections?

know how I know it sucks? I can never get images to load properly now...

not what I was talking about... uggh fix yo shit gawker!

I see a serious lack of Epic music... if this used the original score I would be a very happy man... cause half of Conan was the music... A man like Conan could only be accompanied by an orchestra to announce his bloodletting and woman-taking...

Meatbag.... your true desire is blatently obvious... KotoR should be there not this MMO

I'd rather have KotoR...

