El El

@Serge.: I took that to be a thought in his mind... people like to recite mantras or catechisms during moments of pain... voila...

@Monty: we live in age of pioneers... I'm proud to have been born in the late 20th...

This is one of most studied case studies in Philosophy and engineering... soo many factors that could have prevented such an incident... it makes me fear the future of a market driven economy...

@corpore-metal: Online would have been perfect for you... Online is basically 75% of my coursework right now...

@SG-17: on rare occasions benadryl can backfire leading to restlessness and hyperactive thoughts... so no not always benadryl... as a weening drug... absolutely... having never been addicted to anything but pot for an 8 month stint I can't say much more...

What about that blob behind it?

@corpore-metal: I would have relied more on the folding of space idea but I suppose some Element zero couldn't hurt either...

@corpore-metal: not even with FTL could you get there in any reasonable amount of time btw... maybe your grandchildren's grandchildren's granchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's granchildren'sgrandchildren's grandchildren's granchildren'sgrandchildren's grandchildren's granchildren's grandchildren could check it

@jetRink: Regardless of my belief in change and the fact that animals and the planet its climates come and go I do not like your comment..

I have to say enslaved really kicked me in the aesthetic ass... a very pretty game... with some solid gameplay to back it up... I enjoyed particularly when I first had access to the cloud disc floaty thingy for the first time and when you had to kill a dog mech with it... oh man that was fun by the ton...

@truthtellah: is this on the kasumi mission? I still have yet to play that? I need to remake a female shep for that matter...

@Prostate of Grace: If I could forward my Yahoo mail account without paying I would have been at google years ago... those fuckers don't let go...

I would wish there was way to track the age of voters in this as I see the vast majority of votes for Black Ops being under 18.... or even younger...

Space-porn monster demands space-porn high-res multiple resolution sizes for wallpaper masturbation!

I can't wait till someone correctly models a neuron and it snowballs into a god-machine...