El El


Time will tell if this is capable of selling itself cause this seems too good to be true and looks too much like a business presentation...

@DocSeuss: if you followed right... in the new alexandria mission You see the ODST Buck Compton... make an ODST expansion... he said he was on a secret mission! WHOO also if you get out of the falcon and follow him into the building he talks to you for a bit hahah

@Halo_Override: I too will now go rent it as I had no idea of the quality of that chase was so epic... it reminds me of the Chariot races in Ben-hur even though I am not a big jesus fan that movie is quality cinema...

@KillerBee: I bet drags his ass on the carpet a lot...

The more and more I read and see on the bullet physics the more I actualy have hope for a more infantry focused slug fest... which I enjoy... not just 12 dudes all getting headshots with one incredibly accurate gun... MW2<BFBC2=MoH to be seen but I was a vet player back in the PC MoH and I would like to see a

@joshuabond_007: I'm almost positive there already are a bunch of sites that cater to the stupidity of the biz buz...

god I can't wait to abuse my wife and make torture movies!

in the distant future everyone has diabetes and circulation problems...

what happend to booze and weed as a teenager...

@cadrina: ohhh ok... this I knew... at least about his personality... very egoist style of writing...

These are the reasons I'm scared to bring a child into the world... or if I even want to anymore... What am I contributing... another mouth to feed... another redundant mediocre life suffering a slow death ranging from stress to starvation... no thank you...

@lightninglouie: What is everyone referring to? I have an interest as I have a new found love in his writings...

made me hate corporations ha... good book... little slow but good..

@Bramsey89: TWO DECADES skip that class...

@sudo rm -rf /: So for halloween you know where not to go with your offensive costume?

Mix bloods are people TOO!!