El El

@TechHaze: pod on motorized track... methinks...

@dragonfliet: damn then installing will help online... gettin on it

@SupaChupacabra: at both of you: first off the picture lacks context... it could have gone either way quite honestly and for you to assume that he is a pervert on a picture(with no context) first and not that he maybe did see it your way first off but decided to state what he did...

@Yournamehere!: hells ya I gots it it is epic... lucky find in a trip to san fransisco....

@vandalsavage: Not random by the looks of it from the other rings on his site that are uniform but still multilayered... that might be a highly custom job... very mucho moolaa

So I get to stroke the lizard?

pardon the expression... tard chief on left... helmet only covers eyes and top 50% of head area...

ill be the one with a doob in my mouth..

@Saturnine, your neighborhood PC elitist.: I noticed this too ha... exercise shorts somewhat nice shirt and sneaks or flip flops... in unlv as little clothing as possible is best for my eyes and my body temp... love the women here...

eww plane wrecks head on would look like a meat and metal sandwich... I would hate to be on the the clean up crew...

@Black_STAR: there is no genetic relation.... so whatever

@dreaming neon black: I think the red and blue font color needs to go and limiting the pros and cons section to equal sized paragraphs would allow for further unbaised opinion making... because as it stands it is very quantifiable...

I would like to know if I am the only one who scrolls really quickly through the reviews here and compares the size of the red and blue, pros/cons section, before actually reading anything...


you will never replace this toaster in my heart...

I lol'ed... thanks for the exposition at the end...