El El

@BlueBeard: the three thing is unarguable as each expansion has just as many missions as the original starcraft... so your getting 3 games... or 1 game and 2 full bodied expansions...

They will be mine, oh yes they will be mine!

there are no good arcades anymore... just a bunch with maybe a few with 1 or 2 good games...

@betabiter13: you only posted that cause its on comedy central right now huh...

@Daveinva: I have no problem with this...

Ahhh space... there is always a bigger fish....

hhaahhahahahaha still hilarious...

Is the SC2 beta still up? I uninstalled and regret... also...

Which captain america is that? Yes i know WWII but is there a specific era/genre/issue/universe?

Those without others to turn to are in the slums in our nation... I can't find work... the work I did find I was laid off from along with 40 others 4 months later... its the 3rd job I have been laid off from in the past year and its impossible to find work...

@Arken: nice... why hasn't it been reported...


Blue collars doin the foot sloggin, savin the day! like always!

MMMmm jungle fever...

*hopeful expectations*

When the shit hits the phone...

@N@tedog: hahhahahahaha I am laughing now... hahahhahaah

@dtemp: eeechhh ouch...