El El

YES! I loved the GTA DUI

Don't you mean Jefferfon?

I can honestly say I have never met in person a nerd girl matching my caliber of nerdery and geekery...

Why would you go to such great lengths to deceive everyone? the Evidence doesn't lie and he had to know that sooner or later it would all catch up to him....

@Jester21: it will always be a planet to me....

Fountains are only good for horribly disfiguring your enemies in style...

there is a cameo of Hugo Stiglitz from inglorious basterds in numero 14...

Loved the last paragraph Owen...

@clownshoes69: aim at the spike in the ground between the two horns of the shoe and flick back on the stick really quick and forward quick gotta be quick on the release aiming for the little middle marker... you will pick it up it took me a bit but I've gotten pretty good at it...

@clownshoes69: you know you can aim right? it took me about 4 games to figure that out...

@clownshoes69: only if you bet the full amount I've done about 2/3 and won but its really hard on a full bet...

I've only been caught once and thats cause I wanted to see what would happen...

what you don't see is all the Ed hardy, arm shaving, machisimo that this game is...

hahaha I cannot believe something so trivial has only now been solved...

Dyson called... he wants his spheres back...

So why did they want to blow it up?

I was glad when I was done with the hunting challenges... the hero animal ones particularly... what gives me the right to kill this kick ass scar faced bear? he earned his way in this place but here I come throwing dynamite into his cave and then popping him in the heart with a buffalo rifle...