
I do this, too, and I make it a point to proactively get my foot out of the way when people are passing. I also proactively move my bags off the seat when the subway car or bus gets crowded. Unlike these guys who sit with their lava junk on display until asked, and then they grudgingly close an inch or two.

wow, you are just a colossal dick. you are not even worth taking down b/c you are just pure asshole through and through. given the combo, why not go fuck yourself?

Does anyone else look at photos from the 1800's? Ever notice how the men frequently have their legs crossed? I do not buy that men's balls have gotten that much bigger in the last 200 years. Guys, keep your legs closed when there are other people sitting beside you. And pull your elbows in front of your body while

slow walking ladies at the high school track

"after you/no, after you" elevator chivalry pissing contest havers

Real Men have Broad Shoulders and Slim Hips.

"When we allow women like Taylor Swift to be called curvy, all of a sudden, I'm just fat."

You will have to ask my friend's husband. She was 7 years older than he and had 2 kids when they met.

"Race card." So classy.

That is huge speculation, especially since more women gave birth than men worked in mines.

So you think male mortality was not the sole or even major contributing factor to old women marrying younger men. Which is what I said.

Dear MissContrarian,

Didn't realize the Mormon feminists had a stand on men in skirts. Who exactly are you talking about?

I don't get why people get so mad when someone passes them. I'm not walking fast AT you. I'm walking fast b/c I have a fast walk.

OK, so there were high workplace mortality rates which may have disproportionately affected men. However, during the industrial revolution, there were also women in factories, and mortality during childbirth was very high. So was the death rate really that much higher for men? And if it was, wouldn't there have

You can't help being slow, but you can help whether you walk in a straight line. I was in your situation once, but even as a fast walker, I do my best to stay out of people's way. As a slow walker, I also tried to stay out of people's way. It's just courteous, and having surgery isn't an excuse to drop that.

That annoys the crap out of me, too. Bikes are wider than people, so I usually have to step off the sidewalk to allow them by, and that annoys me even more. Ride in the damn road.

I step out the line at fast food places to ponder my order. I only get in line once I have decided. That way, I stay out of the way of people who are ready to order.

First, Jenna specifically calls out the dawdlers, the iPhone users, etc. She does not call out disabled people.

Totally, dude. Fembots are waaaaaaaaaaaay hotter than women who wear what they want and have opinions.