
You're either on birth control or you're not — you don't "eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner" because you're a "slut"

Yeah, there is a collective, institutional problem with cop assholery.

Because Walmart does a lot of business, probably has a lot of cash on hand, and needs security for that. They might also be located in a neighborhood with a lot of crime.

He was a security guard. He was acting like a security guard. Your construction example is a strawman b/c he was not an associate shooting a co-worker doing a poor job. He was guarding the store, and he shot a thief, which he would probably do if he were an armed security guard at a construction site who saw

"NEVER, EVER, undery ANY circumstance, were we to follow or even confront a shoplifter. Get a description, alert security."

According to the linked news article, he was trapped b/t the car door and the driver's seat at one point. This wasn't a case of him shooting her as the car drove away, this was him being in immediate danger. Now, whether he would have pulled his gun or gotten that close to a white woman in the first place is a good

This was not bullying, and it is in no way comparable to any of the bullying suicides that have happened recently. The DJ's didn't target Saldanha, they probably didn't even know she was working that night. If we are going to hold them responsible, then every other person and interaction that led Saldanha to kill

Rock on, Internet Dude.

Glad it was helpful. That really got my goat, and I was afraid I was being too confrontational to be constructive. I hope you can work on things, b/c I do agree that a happy sex life is essential to a relationship working out long term.

Weeeellll, that's more complicated than you might think. No, there really isn't anything like that in the bible. In fact, Jesus was pretty emphatic about a lot of things. But the bible doesn't define Christianity. Individual branches define their branch, and some have more wiggle room than others. I was raised

Wow, your husband is a dick. Sorry, but when your partner is experiencing medical problems, you get to make friends with your hand, not open the marriage. I suggest finding a nicer way than I am capable of to ask him if it is really so important to him to stick his dick in you to get off, or can you make out with

Fight the good fight.


"in Islam men are commanded to "lower their gaze.""

Well, good thing she meets your approval! I don't know how all those other hijabis live without it.

"I feel like the real problem here is that you can't talk about women freeing themselves from the constraints of modesty without also, SIMULTANEOUSLY talking about women freeing themselves from the restraints of sexualization."

Go you!

Frankly, I think dancing at a club is a good place to wear that skirt that doesn't cover your ass and six-inch heels.

I'm sorry, but no workplace that insists that men wear long sleeved shirts also allows women to wear short skirts and spaghetti straps. Short-skirt and spaghetti strap kinds of places are also shorts and short-sleeved t-shirt kinds of places.

There is no incongruity. I didn't pierce my nose b/c I wanted to have a discussion about pierced noses with every person I meet. I didn't dye my hair b/c I wanted to have a discussion about hair dye with every person I meet. If you think pierced noses and dyed hair are weird and you need to stare and comment, it is