
I'm suddenly over the different colored nails fad. I have no idea why, b/c I loved it hard when it got really wide spread. Now, suddenly, just not.

"place where they've legalized being female"

Nobody said we want that, but thanks anyway.

Can I call your friends Europe Friend (EF) and Domestic Friend (DF) for clarity? OK, sounds like DF needs to grow the fuck up already, and you and your friends need to set some boundaries on what she expects of you. She does not actually have the right to ask other people to stop being friends or being around or

He does sound like a dick, but he could also be an ordinary guy who didn't understand that even though he loved your friend, he really did want kids more. A lot of people think loving someone is enough to make a relationship work. It's really not.

"Just because I don't want to have a baby doesn't mean I hate every baby ever."

B/c men and women as a class are both taught that men's needs are paramount and women's needs are negotiable.

"be prepared to dance in your chair to lines like "I don't wanna have baaaabies" over and over again."

A lot of people moved to help him - they, like the photographer, tried to get the attention of the train operator so he could stop the train. That is all that can be expected in this situation unless someone is a trained rescuer. Don't be a hero. Unless you are trained, you are likely to become a second victim. If

Every damn, straight, male photographer in the world wants to take nudie shots. Some of them even find women to cooperate. He gets no more side eye for this than every other damn, straight, male photographer.

I was confused by that, too :)

I think anyone who even says that has either 1) never seen a thin woman or 2) never seen a young boy. Honey, I might be an A-cup, but there is no mistaking me for a boy.

Adding to the fuck you Wendy Williams. I feel like I need a kickstarter.

I'm 41, I'm an adult, and I own two pair of Hello Kitty underwear which you will have to pry off my cold dead ass.

As much as I really do believe that I am a grown-up, I will not feel like a grown up until I own my own damn washer and dryer. Maybe that's a marker of success for me rather than a marker of adulthood. Doesn't matter. It's a marker.

Someone unfriended me in real life by unfriending me on facebook. It was surprisingly hurtful. I do my best to only facebook friends people who I am really friends with, and I hide the feeds of people who I am not really friends with. So I wouldn't even notice someone I wasn't really friends with defriended, and

"He mentions that he feels sympathy toward kids today and still totally gets their plight, and assumes they look back at him with similar feelings of kinship."

Maybe she reads the comments on every Jezebel weight post, ever, and is sick and damn tired of hearing:

Are you familiar with Groupthink?

Medical weight charts for women had way smaller numbers on them in the 60's than they do today. Now we (mostly) recognize that a small percentage of women will naturally be that weight. Back then, I doubt that anyone thought 110 pounds was an unreasonable median weight for adult women. More likely the Barbie scale