Nothing in that exchange proves that he did not rape her. I see no reason at all to drop the case based on this.
Nothing in that exchange proves that he did not rape her. I see no reason at all to drop the case based on this.
"Young men aren't being taught to read the signs."
No, you fucking jackass, he performed a sex act on her without her consent, and THAT is rape.
I see responses like yours now and then, about having seen a letter before in a different column. It seems like there are letter writers who write to more than one columnist.
Except there is no reliable HPV test for men, so how does this joker even know that he is HPV negative? I don't know what you mean by "just carriers", but men get genital warts and anal, penile and throat cancers from HPV. You should really have picked a different disease to make this point.
How about, "Have you been tested recently? What were the results?"
Nailed it.
I know, right? Nobody has ever proved that smoking causes lung cancer. It's a correlation, nothing more.
We can hold both the adults and the kid accountable. One does not preclude the other. He is the one who chose to try to kiss that woman on the mouth and who chose to hug a total stranger. Both those women set their boundaries, and he ignored both of them. So yeah, I'm gonna talk about how vile he is, b/c 12 years…
Dear god. Little Stevie's twitter handle is @payforhead. I just can't even ... His twitterfeed will make your eyes bleed.
You know what else was gross about that? We never saw her face. As gross and inappropriate as she was, he was just as gross and inappropriate.
Oh, there was such a disconnect between how he saw the situation, and how they saw the situation. He thought he had game. They thought he was a cute little boy. I think it's part of the whole "barely knows what a boner is" mentality. He's young and cute, so they just can't see him as someone who thinks he's a…
OK, non-Asian women are also a story of bravery and love. However, in response to racial slurs hurled at Asian women, let's go ahead and make the responses about Asian women, even when the response in question is shared with other groups.
Oh yeah, women as sexual toys for men. That's subversive, alright.
Minor point: Applied topically, silver is an antibacterial agent. I believe that even used topically on wounds, there is still the possibility that it will turn the site blue, although the wound typically heals before that happens. However, the jump from topically applied silver to ingesting colloidal silver is…
I was just reading a news article on child rapists (that is, rapists who are children) drawing a connection between easier porn access, harder-core porn, and children acting out the way they see people acting in porn. Scary.
Barely old enough to know what a boner is? Do you know any 12 yr old boys? Sexualization of children is a problem. Closing your ears and going "la la la la la la" in regard to childhood sexuality is just as big of a problem. 12 yr olds have sex, and acting like they are too young to know what a boner is is not…
This is brilliant! Why has no one thought of this before?
Hey everybody, can we please stop using the word "clean" with respect to stds? You don't get them from bad hygiene, you know. Its a very judge-y word in this context.
And I suspect that the part of the conversation that he is not telling us is " ... and I don't use condoms."