
I'm with the other "move to the south" people. Just relocated to AZ.

What Upper-Middlebrow said.

The thing is, with women, "where they don't belong" is "the internet". Being on the internet is like being outside. It's not a special place where certain groups go. Internet harassment is just like street harassment - it is designed to tell us that the WORLD is male space, and we are there only because they let us

Well, sugar, we kind of wish you were gay, too.

I think Snausage is going to be my new euphemism for peen.

Depression is an illness, so not being depressed is a form of being healthy. Evidently being overweight can ward off certain diseases.

Depression is an illness, not a mood, and happiness is not the opposite of depression. Depressed people can be either happy or sad. Please, everyone, stop equating depression with moods.

You know, they didn't do this study AT you. Why are you taking the results so personally?

The victim blaming on Reddit is painful. I'm glad there are some redditors who are telling him he is being abused and explaining how without blaming.

OUAT: I am totally ok with putting David's life in danger.

Funny, I've never seen an actor choke a woman with his dick until she cried in a mainstream movie. I've never seen mainstream actors brag about blowing out a woman's asshole with their dicks, either. I've also never seen actresses in mainstream sex scenes grimacing from pain. James Deen is a disingenuous fucking

I don't see a problem with drugging the kid. Both it and you will be more comfortable, and so will everybody around you.

"Women's bodies are still largely viewed within the lens of physical attraction. That is, their purpose is largely to be attractive to men."

"And many retailers still mistakenly believe that plus-size women don't want more fashionable clothing options"

Oh, Cameron, honey, no. Many women want to be desired and validated. Neither have to mean objectification. I'm so sorry you haven't learned that yet.

"I'm horrified that I'm saying this, but for once I agree with you."

Too much protein, as in a diet heavy in protein supplements and shakes, can be hard on the kidneys, and steroids are obviously unhealthy. The real problem is that not all men can bulk up like The Situation, not all men have that triangle shaped, broad shouldered look, etc. As with women, there is more than one body

I'm really getting tired of these activist judges.

The whole point of PROPHYLACTIC removal is that you get them taken out before you get cancer. Sure, she can choose monitoring and then get treated after cancer is detected. But then she has cancer, and has to be treated. Whereas if she gets the mastectomy now, she is really unlikely to ever get breast cancer.

You don't actually know that it's not urgent. Remember, her mom was diagnosed at 27.