
Yes, but you can’t carry that xbox around wherever you go if you travel a lot. Sheesh, it’s like people are actually refusing to consider that other people have different kinds of lives, like in every article with a gaming laptop there’s always gotta be that guy “hurr durr, you can get a monster of a PC at that price”

Pour one out for Reggie

Whelp, they might as well stop because they’re never going to come up with a more badass Pokemon than this good boy.

The most important thing is that it looks like wild Pokemon appear in the overworld, like in Let’s Go. And that wilds area looks like the open world Pokemon game we all dreamed of.  

If you need to feel hospitable in a place like Twitch, where the incentive to get paid is to get more users, and the larger streamers have a constant barrage of chat...I just don’t see how it’s possible to avoid this stuff completely.

But does the average gamer have the high IQ required to understand this game? 

It seems pretty funny to me. I dunno, maybe your IQ just isn’t high enough to really understand it.

Never said that was not the case. Just saying that it seems like they thought they could get away with, since Garfield making the game.

People talk about ‘entitled gamers’ all day long, but no one wants to talk about entitled companies getting upset that you didn’t fall for their lootbox schemes.

Nah, nightmare bots were entirely beatable. Just make sure they don’t get a railgun or lightning gun. Without hitscan weapons, they aren’t that hard to beat. As with PvP, it’s all about map control.

well the article said that humans were better on average at long distance shooting. That tells me that it at least is playing within the confines of the game and without exploiting its enviroment.

It’s going to be a game like USUM. They’ve been clear about this.


Oh absolutely me, it may be bonkers and nonsense but I LOVE the bonkers and nonsense. It’s a franchise with hours and hours of cutscenes, it’s safe to say plenty of people are drawn to that aspect.

“We want dungeons!!”
- provides literally hundreds of dungeons -

I don’t think you can make that assumption. The 3DS games are using the cloud service as well, and they use the traditional mechanics.

Longtime Zelda player here. I had no issue with the shrines. Had you using your noggin no less than previous. 

A full 2 year’s worth of intensive modding and focus brought us to crack the wild completely. I remember when cemu still had botw at a “playable” state.

The game has been in beta now early access and people are only beginning to scratch the surface of what the engine is capable of. No mans sky situation this is not.