
@photonshake: Planetes was an amazing anime. I was just about to mention it myself.

I'll be honest, I love the world of EVE. The music is phenomenal, the visuals are amazing, and the scope is unparalleled. However, I hate playing the game.

While this is true for the DVDs, the Instant Streaming on my XBox has been AWESOME since I have two kids. Saves my finacee from going crazy by watching the same thing over and over again, they have all sorts of stuff to flip through and watch and it's easy to demand they watch something new.

@Brad Waechter: I need a keyboard and a mouse. Bad Company 2 runs wonderfully on my computer so I'm not sure why it would need to be on a console, but it's just how I play. Controllers are just too slow and inaccurate.

@kingkellogg: You sure? The weapons DLC worked just fine, it's the Highlander stuff that's broke. Either way, MS or Lions, no DLC purchase until it's fixed.

As if playing FPS on a gamepad wasn't bad enough, playing on a small touchscreen is even worse. No thanks, I'll stick to my PC for these kinda games. Don't care how pretty they are, the gameplay will do nothing but frustrate the crap out of me.

@Lacara: I did this once at a NIN concert, except I was giggling as I was being patted down. I can imagine that a 275lb, 6'4" guy giggling like a school girl while being patted down would disturb anyone.

Didn't I already see this in the Ghost in the Shell manga? In Russia, no less?

I'm not getting any more DLC for Fable 3 until they fix the account locking. It's ridiculous to have my fiancee have to buy the same DLC we got for free on my account when we have the same Xbox.

I remember a long time ago coming across a folder full of this guy's artwork, and seeing this character along with many others which would easily be fighting game sprites. I never knew it would actually become a game... now I wish I still had the bookmark I saved that had all those images.

@Deadp00l: I think you meant Mr. Magoo, not Inspector Gadget.

If this is real, and not just a stunt, I think it just sold me on Black Ops.

@krylyr: But even then it seems ridiculous. For the facility, you could reuse a lot of the Hadley's Hope set pieces (if they still exist) and the whole thing takes place on a desert planet, so that leaves plenty of easy location shooting. Baaaaaah, I say! I shall whine on eternally until this is remedied... but I

@jabber: ...the Sands is a strip joint.

Simple question: why, oh why, can't they just go with the original Dark Horse AvP comic? It would make an excellent movie. The build up is great; action, adventure, drama, real character. That, and the whole opening sequence with Tom and Scott talking while they show the scenes of the predators just scream movie

@Voldy1: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry but...

@Smeagol92055: Indeed. I could also see this used as a functionary trait in a cyberpunk film. Sort of like a high-tech version of rune casting.

No mention of the Brotherhood Scribes from Fallout?