
Parents who hit/spank their kids magically seem to have kids who think it's ok to hit people. Imagine that. I don't mean to sound too snarky, but I see about one of those "I was spanked as a child and I turned out JUST FINE" posts on Facebook and they really piss me off. It is never ok to hit a child, and every single

Because maybe he was a non-verbal, large 2 year old, and if the mom had done what moms did in the past with non-verbal kids - get his hand, give a quick slap to the hand, so he can associate hitting his mother with pain - people would call CPS on her for child abuse.

Reward the good behavior, ignore the bad. Sounds crazy, but it works.

You wouldn't type slowly if you could use more than your index fingers, sir.

You do not like green eggs and ham????

I believe 'Justice' is the one you are thinking of.

I'm sure there are uglier dresses than this one, but who the hell wants to walk down the aisle looking like a bedazzled clove of garlic?


I have an awesome great-aunt. I apologised for the state of the floor when she dropped past (two kids, two dogs, light floors - it looks bad immediately after vacuuming, worse after a day). She stopped me, and told me that she NEVER cleans unless she has to, and usually hides piles of crap in her cupboards when she

I think y'all are forgetting that this push for breastfeeding is a very recent phenomenon, and it was created in response to aggressive campaigns by formula companies and hospitals to promote bottle feeding and cast breastfeeding as icky. Stressed out moms used to be bombarded with free formula at the hospital at a

Death to the second shift.

Completely agree. However I feel the need to defend our parks; the location of this unfortunately occurred in a part of the Canadian Rocky Mountain National Parks (Banff, Yoho, Kootenay, Jasper) that don't yet have over/underpasses. A large amount of work in these parks has gone into prevent wildlife mortality, Banff

As my two naked toddlers just fell off the bed, where I was letting them jump around while I dick around on my phone...

*snort* he will henceforth and forever be Hot Pocket. On the reals though, it's nice to see someone in Westeros who seems to be living their dream, even if that dream is being a tavern's baker. I bet he'll invent some awesome dessert that is a cross between a doughnut and a pie that birds fly out of and then they'll

From Nashville to Orphan Black to GOT, it's all about the FLY Dutchman

This gif is EVERYTHING. Bravo!

Just a warning for my fellow Jezzies who are also Gawkerites: The comments on the Gawker version of this article are infinitely depressing.

They also get scared during earthquakes.

So SeDuCtIvE~*~*