This is sweet, but did they really have to gun down his parents first?
That's actually offensive enough that someone may pursue legal action. If they use Bay-area lawyer Mi Su Yu, that station is fucked.
I laughed when the clinic was reopened and herds of women went thundering in.
@travrois: You're denying the actual circumstances that they're put through. Even an adult woman can be coerced and exploited, you know. If your career is on the line, what "choice" do you have? Especially, when you know that you'll just be shamed for daring to stick up for yourself.
@travrois: Just because these women blew some photographer and allowed themselves to be photographed doing so, doesn't mean they were exploited.
@travrois: I think you're confused. Sexual harassment is a civil matter, no police or prosecutors would be involved.
@travrois: The cognitive dissonance within your own comment is flooring me.
@travrois: I think if we combine the factors that the models in question are young, they have no other experience to compare Richardson's photo shoot to, and they are looking to make it in the fashion model biz, then whether or not they speak up now or later is not what we should be focusing on. The models probably…
@travrois: No.
@travrois: Do you really think an 18-year-old model who doesn't have a penny to her name (or, in a lot of cases, her family doesn't have any money, either) is going to speak up and ruin her chances of possibly making more than minimum wage? If she speaks out against this guy, she won't land anymore bookings. She'll be…
@travrois: He has incredible power of people's career options in a field that's already incredibly competitive and employs a number of underage foreign women who don't speak much English.
@travrois: How do you know none ever did? For all you know people complained fairly regularly and they are all toiling away in obscurity right now.
@travrois: They are speaking up now.