While I agree with your second paragraph. your first implies that you've completely ignored most of the article:
While I agree with your second paragraph. your first implies that you've completely ignored most of the article:
It did at first, but its gone flip side again. I think it likes it like that....
Sunny. Like the good, OP robot from I, Robot.... Doubt there's any connection there, just struck me as I read it :) N'awwww.
Sir. You appear to have bought an Australian Jetta. How does it fare running the right way up? :P
This is a car, not a maths equation ;)
Damnit. Should've replied my comment to yours! :( Awesome car movie.
I name my cars, but I only started because a friends gf was one of those people who had to name everyones car. She named my friend's car "Insectosaurus" because is was a Vauxhall Corsa SRi (the 1.8 one). She, and my gf were threatening to name mine too. So it was either choose a name of my own, or let them choose it…
Noooo, these are fully functional, I'm sure ;)
There is no loser in this, only winners. We get to see 2 of the greatest cars BMW made sideways at the same time. To find a loser, you'd have to have blood running through your veins.
The AIRBAGS are your concern...? Did you watch the video?
OH GOD NOW BURN IT WITH FIRE!!!!!!!!!1!1111one
I can still see the potential though.... One of the only cars you could murder and it'd look perfect!
I don't normally write messages in capslock, but I think this is shocking enough to warrant it.
I agree completely. I'm not one to disregard a statement on the merit of the person who spoke it. I'm just covering for...less open-minded people :)
Not being overly familiar with the US market and $ vs £ etc. This post was a perfect answer. Even if there wasn't any paperwork etc to be filled, a 3 series will be more fun in most weathers, and better looking. The only people who would look at the Skyline for any length of time are the ones looking for that…
I'm trying far too hard to find a reason not to like this. Small body, tiny turbo'd engine, not too feminine, but not too butch. Its quite possibly the only car on the market you can't 'get a reputation' from.