
Why release The Last Story in mid August in between 2 huge game releases ( Darksiders 2 and Sleeping dogs ) when you had the perfect opportunity to release the game in July, month of no releases? I mean it seems its a better business decision. Was localization some kind of problem for to occur or what?

yeah, shame that the NSMB series ( which just recycles almost everything from its previous entry with one or two tweak ) sells millions more than the mario 3D platformers ( which are always fresh with ideas ) I blame nostalgia.

I don't really see any "new" in New super mario bros 2 overall opinion of the NSMB series of games isn't great, I consider these "new" 2D games to be shallow, unimaginative, uninspiring, casual, dull, and lackluster set of mario games ...3D mario games ftw

Looks like .....CoD

the music is really fantastic in cave story

I hope this game sells well enough for THQ

Is it difficult to work on wii u? Also from all the scribblenauts unlimited footage I've seen, it seems kinda pointless to play the game on the tv, I mean everything is being done on the gamepad itself and the tv is just for others to watch ..kinda disappointing ..whats up with that? ;d

the thought of looking back and forth from the gamepad to the tv ....I have a feeling i might feel a little nauseous :| other than that I do like the idea of you being a zombie after dying

the thought of looking back and forth from the gamepad to the tv ....I have a feeling i might feel a little nauseous :| other than that I do like the idea of you being a zombie after dying

the thought of looking back and forth from the gamepad to the tv ....I have a feeling i might feel a little nauseous :| other than that I do like the idea of you being a zombie after dying