
Metroid is dead :(

Lol the only reason X isn't on the list is because Jason didn't like Xenoblade, he's not a fan of that game, just go read his review of it, special category bull shit excuse. Also Monolith is a first party developer too lulz

what? Froakie has the best looking evolutions out of the 3 lol Fenekin's 3rd evo is the worst and chespin's is alright but it still kind of sucks

I abused some demos before.

why would captain falcon be gone because there's a stage like this ?? -_-

charizard looks alright but that blastoise mega ..uug ..kind of lame looking

-_- ..kingdom hearts 2 and Ni no kuni ..really?? both games are okay best.. all Ni no kuni has it going for its self is the visuals ..other than that, the story/writing dialog, etc is pretty boring/meh ( only interesting thing about the game was that the mother "died" ..other than that.. the game has nothing else


Marth really? Lol I really thought it was going to be Fox, Falco or even Ike

Easily the music for all the bosses in Shadow of the colossus also the Final Bowser battle in Mario Galay was epic

I watched all the 13 episodes, every episode kept me suspenseful. There were some odd episodes which were really boring but it had character development for the other side characters. ...I wish there was more development between the main character and her bodyguard love interest, and yes the ending sucked, I was like

I'm just not digging the art style of this game...=/

Liking the art style used in the scenes with the First Avatar

you two sure like to drop F-bombs a lot, i remember watching a podcast between you two a while back and again, can't finish a sentence without dropping the f-bomb

Monolith soft is basically in house Nintendo since they own them, they helped make Zelda skyward sword and also worked on the 3DS animal crossing game, Nintendo isn't just EAD, it has studios worldwide like Retro, and Monolith who are located elsewhere but are part of the whole organization and they help with each

..X is developed by Monolith soft who NINTENDO owns 100% of so it is their IP and also Wonderful 101 is co-owned by nintendo and PT games, so yes it's part of their ip just like Pokemon is co-owned by nintendo and Game Freaks ...

um according to Vonkoz on twitter, an retro studios guy who worked on the game, no they're not using the old dkcr engine, it's a new engine. ...DKC tropical freeze is their "big" game ..I don't see how its a small project btw Vonkoz worked on uncharted 3 :d

lol its true, looking at all the games nintendo showed at E3, everysingle one of them had a "playable" female character beside Wind Waker HD where the female character, Tetra plays a larger role than a lot of the incarnations of zelda, you had Peach in 3D world and in Kart, Bayonetta, there's a playable girl superhero

<3 the bean shaped X and Y buttons

lol the Travis Touchdown one wins