
You are totally right, except he makes the point that the boneless chicken breast is for the sandwich. Which makes sense because it would be a waste to use real chicken (aka boney parts) on a sandwich, AND because boneless breasts are otherwise utterly useless.

Chopstick method and drop-a-tiny-thing into it method of checking the oil works great... but if you own a candy thermometer, that works even better.

I have recently begun home-frying chicken. It’s good, but I don’t get the thick, crusty, knobby chicken you see from the real frying pros.... the dredge ends up being kinda thin so it just looks like lightly floured, fried chicken skin.

On Letterman Jackets, you are absolutely correct. Keep it forever. If nothing else, keep one b/c your kids will geek out over it. I always thought my dad’s was the coolest thing... and now I have my own (college letter jacket no less) and I want to keep it for my kids to see.

... but FFS sake L̶u̶k̶e̶ DocFreakinHolliday, quit embelleshing every bit of contact that you saw during that fracas. you sound like a dumb-ass whining bitch...

I always love it when a $100,000 per year employee of another company physically manhandles a (market value) $15,000,000 per year employee of my company with no immediate consequences. Seems SUPER reasonable.

Respectfully this is a really dumb comment trying to look like a smart one.

You’re also missing a key point which many observers miss (so you’re in good company).


I dont see how young and healthy people not buying insurance is a good thing. Those people DO have risks that need covering and provide valuable inflows to the risk pool.

Fans and Columnists dont nearly appreciate player development enough. The Jets picked 12 guys and they all sucked, but I bet their performance is in part because Jets players were coached by Jets coaches.

Its substantially worse because they’re paying all that money and not getting anything for it. Signing him in 2016 for that money in 2016-2017 would have at least secured his services for $20M/yr in the out years... now they have no such security.

How demanding of a fan do you have to be to say that the trade deadline was butt when Demarcus Cousins AND Serge Ibaka got traded?

People who don’t watch the Warriors will be shocked to see this, but he’s been incredibly effective for them. Fourth ranked center in the league by PER.

Javale is literally leading the league in plus/minus per minute right now.

Are you guys that dense? He’s rolling his wrists on the follow through of a practice swing.

I’m sorry this post is garbage.


Yeah there was quite a run of pieces like that... coming from Oklahoma’s butthurt newspapers and reporters... after KD left.

Excellent! Finally when I see a sign that something is 160 km away, I will just recall from memory the entire fibonnaci sequence, pick the one nearest to 160, and then also recall the next one in the sequence, and know that my estimate is vaguely accurate.