
Jerry should have been last.

Thome's clothes are super crisp (look at the blue of those jeans!)

His truck appears to lack #TechnologyAndStuff.

I think Solas really is an ancient elf, and think the "ancient Elves weren't Gods, but powerful regular elves" line may hold up. To wit:

Yeah but can those of us who were there agree that John Fogerty kicked ass? Those songs are 45 years old, but the best part of the entire night.



To be fair, Balotelli is one of the all-time great penalty takers in the history of soccer.

to quote the immortal Jalen Rose:

This is not, the greatest song in the wor-RR-rld,

Dude, individual owners don't benevolently offer tickets to players. The option to buy two super bowl tix per year is part of the deal for all NFL players. It just comes with the territory. Chris's point is that the NFL has made it increasingly hard for the players to actually get that benefit, and then

All players are allotted the chance to buy 2 tickets. Whatever tickets the players don't buy (at face price) are kicked to the owner or a higher-up (CFO, COO, VP, etc) who is handling ticket allocations.

Chris has this covered, but speaking from experience:

How are you offended that he called people who would put your son at risk "clowns"?

Or maybe it's equally if more plausible that in the thousands of hours of conservative lunkheads out there someone might just stutter - I myself am a stutterer - or get a word ahead of themselves. Thus that one such moment exists is not proof of that person's nefariousness any more than it's proof that if you get

Oh come on, listen to that with no closed captioning and it's hard to come to conclusion.

You're focusing on Steph, which is totally reasonable, but you're also skipping the fact that Draymond Green made Dirk's life absolute hell last night.

Montana had, over a long period of time:

I respect your take, but simply put I think you're dead wrong.