
The Kid With The Big Guts (Tirico at 1:42) was a good start on the Lillard nicknaming fest.

You're looking at the wrong pool of potential hires when you say there's nobody out there. They have this guy on the coaching staff by the name of Larry Robinson. He's assumed to be a potential replacement for McClellan.

If we're gonna get snippy I believe "Paralysis by Analysis" is the one you're looking for.

It will be hard to avoid estate taxes on something like the team. The key thing is this: If he dies with the team intact, the entire value goes through the estate process and is taxed that time only. If he sells, he pays tax now on the sale AND THEN the remainder is ALSO taxed via estate tax if/when he kicks the

His family will lose a couple hundred million dollars to capital gains taxes, plus the team would incite a bidding war anyhow if sold at his death (without said taxes) in 0-10 years, so I'm guessing Team Sterling is not all too pleased about the financial impact of being forced to sell.

where he would Thrive.

This kid went to Stanford...

Given that the game was already a rout, I think I can forgive a little me-celebrating.

It's for being the first player ever to score 15 goals in a Champions League season (now at 16 and counting, btw...)

Maybe they shake hands as the ball is in the air, esp if it's David Lee vs DeAndre Jordan

That would be a great Vine video for sure.

I feel bad for the Clips players for various reasons, but it's a tough to ask these guys who've spent their entire lives training for this moment to just throw the playoffs away to make a point. Boycotting regular season games is one thing, but the playoffs? Some of these guys will never reach the playoffs again in

"A man whose $12.5 million investment in the Clippers is now worth 50 times that"

Keep in mind that goalies may shade to their strengths. So Quick would rather take away the blocker side via positioning and force you to beat his glove. Sure, more goals go in versus his glove hand in that instance, but it's fewer goals overall than if he didn't force a majority of shots on goal in that direction

So if Ivey takes home $12 million because the dealer was willing to accommodate his "superstitions" and because Ivey is "a big tipper", how big is the tip?

I'm generally inclined to give Lebron the benefit of the doubt, but if he just banks that in layup style, he scores, right?

The reason there will not be another single president is because his/her entire campaign would be dogged by the "is (s)she gay??!!?!?" breathless tabloid coverage. It would be suffocating.

Technically they are "Sigils", not insignias.

From a reader of the books who actually knows what's going on, let me say emphatically: This is not true.