especially when you consider that she’s not a royal: as per the dealership’s press release, she’s a lady called “Ms. Princess Al Hawi”.
especially when you consider that she’s not a royal: as per the dealership’s press release, she’s a lady called “Ms. Princess Al Hawi”.
They are in the sense that people don’t actually care.
If you have a self driving system, you have to design for people not acting in accordance with your prescribed instructions. It is an entirely foreseeable occurrence that people would take their hands off the wheel. The system should know how to deal with that.
Tesla is failing at foreseeable events and is blaming the customer. It is very foreseeable that people will take their hands off the wheel for extended periods of time, I don’t care what EUA states.
‘Pressing charges’ is not needed in this case. The DA can choose to prosecute based on evidence provided, regardless if the driver cooperates.
Until it starts losing power like the EcoBoost Mustangs
Australian bushfires are a force to be reckoned with, especially the 2015 Pinery bushfire that burned South…
Nothing says good idea like trying to take a guy responsible for shooting 11 people and killing 5 and who is claiming to have bombs all over the area alive. If this wasn’t an appropriate use of deadly force, there is no such appropriate use.
Watkins Glen still rules after all these years, and this weekend, the WeatherTech Sports Car Championship ran its…
This is the most impossibly perfect comparison of how different rally cars behave around a corner I have ever seen.…
Statistically, not being an idiot reduces your odds of injury or death in almost all aspects. You can’t blame a tool for negligent usage, but it’s the firearm’s fault he shot himself, and it’s all our vehicle’s fault that they allow idiots to text while driving, instead of immediately shutting down all portable…
Well, owning a car greatly increases my odds of being injured or killed by a traffic accident. It’s about responsibility in using an object, not the object itself. I can wipe out myself and plenty of others with my car (not a Mustang, by the way) if I choose to, but I use it as properly as I can.
Keeping a loaded,…
What a moron!This guy won the Darwin Award.
Oh man, you’re in for a shock that NASCAR’s top-level series has been running on road courses practically since they started, on tracks such as:
Okay. We’re done with the NASCAR turning direction thing. It’s over. It’s not funny now, and indeed it was never funny. It’s not clever, it’s not interesting, it’s beyond, even, the cliche. It is over entirely. It's worse than lazy and ineffectual writing: it is nothing. Let it go.
+ he is wrong.
If people don’t want to be publicly commented and criticized on how they’re doing their job then journalism is a shitty career choice for them. The readers on here help pay these journalists bills by clicking on articles. As far as I’m concerned they can criticize these journalists all they want. They wouldn’t even…
What do you expect from one of the most left-winged media sites out there? I don’t like it either, but that’s business as usual with Gawker Media. I’m only here for Jalopnik anyways.
Way to inject some personal, non-relevant political opinion into a story on a car site, Raph! Good job. Now that you have that out of the way, maybe you could start proofreading and editing stories instead of just pushing “publish” on typo-ridden content.