Beautifully executed nipple Salchow.
She stated that she started to feel the costume falling apart, and “I prayed.”
Or Doors of Stone, true.
Discomfort? You mean like the back of a Volkswagen?
In all fairness, they got the prayers down - but the problem is that they’re not thinking hard enough. I feel like if they think hard enough, like reeeeally hard enough, that there’s some sort of solution to GUN violence that could prevent GUN violence from constantly happening...
A guy tried to rob me on the street with a gun but when I yelled “Thoughts and prayers!!!” he ran off and I was safe. It works!!!
This article is wrong.
$30,000 USD?
Who the hell travels with just one bird of prey? Silly poors!
My only concern is the fact that airline companies are advocating for avian species, but what about my emotional support wolverine?
But what about people with emotional support ocelots?
I’d say B-. Probably bump that up to a solid B if I didn’t spend so much time on Deadspin.
I’m shocked that all of these terrible people have actively unfulfilling love lives.
Actually ICD-10-CM F10.920
Nah, she’d still be an unfuckable hag.
“She’s a ‘gender equality t***. She’s obsessed with race”.
Leia surviving in the cold vacuum of space without anything more than novice training in the Force versus Qui-Gon and Obi Wan needing scuba gear for a five minute swim to the Gungan city.
I’d really like to sit around this car with some good friends and a bottle of pills.
“Eyvind, why did you only fly 45m off Colin’s Crest?”