
I didn’t notice it at first. Now, I notice. Please, for the love of all things just leave the 5 spokes alone. Remove those wheels and burn them. Post haste!

I turn on my favorite music, and turn it up. Depending on the time of year, I count and identify raptors. If I am with someone, raptor count is a competition. Being a falconer, it’s my “thing” according to my wife.

Small issue, I live in the country and have a 3 year old. Grass that is too tall, will harbor vermin, like rats and mice, not to mention if you have animals, plenty of ticks and fleas.

You would have thought they knew better, but alas. I blame it on today’s impetuous youth. They think they are invincible.

I will say that it looks a LOT like Destiny 1 for some gameplay aspects, but the actual art design, textures, etc. look 1000X better. It also has some features that are keeping me from wanting to play Destiny 1 more right now. Everyone that I used to play with in year 1, doesn’t play anymore, so no Nighfalls or Raids

Getaway Car,and Seasons might have been played at a loud volume in my office today several times.

I am going to start a Kickstarter to buy one, for me and my birds. Since I am not a Sheikh, my potential for affording this is very low. Falconry costs too much.

Uh, that’s nice and all, bit backfiring is NOT cool. Someone needs to get their shit fixed.

This article actually makes me think “do I want a manual in a sports car any more?” Before I need to put on my flame suit, hear me out.

Honestly, no real difference. Even birds within the same species have different and varying sizes. My red tail comparred to the stock photo.  

Um, kinda. Both have a distinctive hooked beak. The falcons have a “tooth” used to dispatch prey. Hawks have a “rounder” wing due to those primary feathers being longer in a different pattern. Falcons have a different primary pattern, and slimmer, narrower wings.

Used it’s feet to stun it. Then, used it’s beak to clip the spinal cord behind the head.

Forgot your aplomado falcon, saker falcon. I can go on. Lol

Is a prairie falcon. But, same idea.

1985-86 Pontiac Fiero. Spruce up that interior, add a nice turbo kit.

Ok, so I am apparently not the only one that is like “meh.” It is nice that it has so much power. I guess. It still looks like every other Challenger out there. It doesn’t handle for shit on roads I would actually want to drive on. It is nothing more than a giant display of wanting attention.

Geezus. Just when I think I have something witty to say, some asshole like you makes me feel inferior. Good Day Sir!

I am going to start logging into twitter every day, just to post shit to his feed every that I know will get under his tissue paper thin meat suit covering.

Hey now! I have been there when there were 95K people in that stadium.