
Suggestion: any of the climate change deniers that show up in the comments section immediately get shipped to locations with record heat.

I was impressed to the first bell, but then, an effing relay event? Too hard to jump past and not comment...

I think you mean”showing your meat spear.”

Hey,fun governor, you party the way you want, I party the way I want!

Friend of mine from high school had one. Tons of appointments, told him he had a.d.d., icepick migraines, on meds. Nope, HE HAD A FUCKING GROWTH IN HIS SKULL!!! He’s had it removed when he was in his early 20's. Much better now.

Well, he can hope that. I think that he is going to answer a lot of questions before then.

Just more of Trumplethinkskin trying to deflect from other events going on. Comey testifies this week, the whole “fake Russha’ will be in the news, along with his witness tampering and obstructions of Justice issues.

Small issue, I live in the country and have a 3 year old. Grass that is too tall, will harbor vermin, like rats and mice, not to mention if you have animals, plenty of ticks and fleas.

You would have thought they knew better, but alas. I blame it on today’s impetuous youth. They think they are invincible.

I like the way you think.

I will say that it looks a LOT like Destiny 1 for some gameplay aspects, but the actual art design, textures, etc. look 1000X better. It also has some features that are keeping me from wanting to play Destiny 1 more right now. Everyone that I used to play with in year 1, doesn’t play anymore, so no Nighfalls or Raids

Getaway Car,and Seasons might have been played at a loud volume in my office today several times.

I am going to start a Kickstarter to buy one, for me and my birds. Since I am not a Sheikh, my potential for affording this is very low. Falconry costs too much.

His work on the Singles Soundtrack with “Seasons” is possibly one of the best vocal works of a rock singer, to ever have been recorded.

This shit won’t last that long.

That he hasn’t been removed from office already, tells me the GOP has their head in the sand hoping this all goes away on its own. They are only concerned about party, not the country. If Trumplethinkskin doesn’t kill us all before the 2018 election cycle, or there just isn’t open and outright civil revolution, there

You are such a fucking idiot it is actually causing me mental anguish.

You’re high right now, right? Faux News has it’s nickname for a reason.

You mean the standard Cult45 response when anything he does is brought up.