Of course he's in the game.
Of course he's in the game.
I said I highly doubt they would. I never said they wouldn't.
Yes. I know. That doesn't mean we'll be getting this game. Localization for visual novels aren't easy and very profitable here in the states.
I was interested until I read visual novel. Not because I don't like them, but because I highly doubt it's coming to the States.
The US version of SMB2 (doki doki panic) in Japan was released as Super Mario Brothers USA if I recall correctly.
Oh thank goodness! This is good news. Now only if we'd get Valkyria 3 and maybe a PS4 Valkyria...
Whatever guys I'm more excited over KOTAKU FISH!
Dude was definitely trolling. I enjoyed following his progress though.
But why not? VII retained a lot of the humor from the SNES era. Had a really good meta game (in the way you can customize your characters to your liking) and the story was not as bad as the VI apologists make it out to be. The graphics were a product of the times even if they may not hold up.
I don't disagree with you at all. IV is up there with my favs (Tactics, XII, VII, V and IV in my top 5) but the DS remake was brutal! I played it straight until I got to the final dungeon. Couldn't beat the Golden and Silver dragons at all and then I realized that the Augments were essential for your survival against…
Are you crazy?! The DS remake of IV is totally not for newcomers! lol.
VI is overrated. V has the best humor next to VII.
Start at the original and play all of them except 11, unless you want to try it. Then, when you play XIII, you can join the fans in the rage fest and share how pissed you are at how Square-Enix totally dropped the ball on that release.
Final Fantasy VI is where the melodrama went into full effect. I would start at IV. Easily the second best in the series for me (Tactics being the best) and then move up to V. V is so goofy and funny and I feel it gets overlooked because the nostalgic fans swear up and down by VI.
VII made the series astronomically popular and brought in a lot of fans to the series that would have otherwise overlooked the franchise completely. It's a good game and I would recommend first timers to at least try it.
That Morrigan cosplayer looks a lot like Emily Blunt. One can dream.
I smell collusion.
I know! I got the email too late. As soon as I went to buy a shirt it was sold out. >_<
"Please be excited."
I really wasn't offended by this reveal. They showed off what I and most people thought they would. What upset me has been the aftermath of all this and the constant backtracking and damage control Microsoft has been doing regarding their connected services.