
Not a huge fan of hers, but she absolutely went in.

So guys...ummm, how much is Xbox Live gonna be this time around?

I thought the exact same thing. It looks like the MLG Official controller, or maybe it was that Razr Xbox controller.

You're right. It is the best Final Fantasy game ever made.

And I'll be the one to say that IX is overrated. Tactics or bust.

You know it seems that this time Sony really surprised people instead of having everything leaked. On the other hand it seems as if Microsoft had a lot of stuff that got leaked. Whether these rumors are proper bullet points for tomorrow or not is still to be seen. I'd like to see what's in store for tomorrow.

Nah we grew up watching NY Murrican Football. It's one of the best perks in living in New York as a football fan. We get two teams. :)

Keep pouring the salt on those poor fans' wounds. My sister is a Jets fan. I grew up a Giants fan, but I certainly feel her pain. lol.

This all sounds like a near sighted approach. What sells consoles are games. That's where the problem is. Games are being deemed as too expensive these days. People who play games regularly will buy the new consoles. Straight up. There's a reason they're caller console generations: these machines are going to be here

Ouch. Not a lot of love for Daaaa Bears. I'm a Giants fan. The Bears aren't bad. Living in New York I can tell you that the Jets, now that team sucks ASS.

Truth be told it doesn't bother me. I have a bunch of JRPG's that I'm still barreling through. lol. I'll eventually get to this game. Because of my reasons I'd rather play games when I want to. Prices drop quick eventually anyway.

$40 on PS3? I think it's time to hop on the Columbia hype train.

Yes! Summer is going to be long and painful for me, I'm a Mets fan T_T, the Knicks just got eliminated, and I don't see the NY Rangers winning the Stanley Cup this year. At least in football, the Giants and that NFC East division are fun to watch.

Heeeey. That's not fair. The Bears aren't that bad of a team. lol.

I don't even know how to respond to that. If you really believe that Microsoft has internal studios making games, well, good on you. We shall see of these games soon enough, but to say that they have more studios than Sony. I mean, c'mon.

It was just a theory of mine lol. But I really do think the always online thing is going to be false. It's probably going to be a feature that is related to the cable box stuff we've been hearing about. As for the Kinect stuff, I'm indifferent towards it. Mainly because I'm going PS4 next gen. lol. But even then,

Right, but what studios do they have making games that we know of, when Microsoft has made it very clear through their actions that their focus isn't having game studios or games they make personally.

I'm not big on racing sims. AT ALL, but I totally respect the love y'all have for these games. As an outsider looking in, was GT5 really as bad as people say it was compared to Forza, or was it current gen children dissatisfied with everything and anything as usual?

I have a personal beef with that fool. I met him once, and he was the biggest doucher that represented MS when they had announced the 360. He kind of soured me on being excited for the 360 way back when.

I'm one to believe Microsoft intentionally put out false info out there to then surprise and awe people with their upcoming announcement. I would be SUPREMELY AND ROYALLY surprised if they go online only. I just don't see them doing something like that. All those bad rumors, I dunno, I feel that there's just too much