
What?! They have Call of Duty, and an endless amount of on Xbox first DLC! As far as I'm concerned, CoD is ONLY for ecksbawks owners and their superior (totally subjective) controller.

But they don't have the studios and the talent...well I take that back. They have Rare, but those guys are probably locked away somewhere and MS forgot about them.

I don't see how. Those PS4 hype train gifs had me rollin'.

I guess that's why you heathans like it. lol. I'd go with sour cream and onion all the time.

But they're so bitter! >_< you can't even enjoy the thunderous crunch because the vinegar salt goes all up in your senses and makes me sneeze.

Not letting this one go, eh Fahey?

Hehe. Pringles. Yum.


Bleeeeeeeeh! Salt and Vinegar chips. No thanks! Burn it with fire!!

Wow. I JUST realized this. lol. Too bad I was pissed at how bad I thought the game was to care.

As excited as I am for this, I'm really not liking the sound effects being used. They still sound like the ones being used in the recent games. I'm hoping they're just place holder for now.

Does this mean the streaming service MS is going to use for their nextbox is going to Twitch, while Sony is going to use Ustream? That's the way I'm seeing it so far.

And don't forget Gainjinworks. The people behind the Lunar games and some of the niche JRPG's of the PSOne and Saturn era.


"Because when you see it, you turn infinity degrees and walk away."

Squirtle has the better stats though. Making it the best choice. Plus Charizard is all hype. Blastoise has CANNONS coming out of his shell. CANNONS.

Smart people would choose Squirtle. As water types are the most efficient type in all of pokeymanz, but I'm pretty sure all the mentally retarded children of my era would pick Charmander.

Dolan, is that you?!

Yes they do. They just don't talk about it as much.

I would have gone with miserable pile of secrets, but penis works too.