Bodega-men = my people. I <3 you.
Bodega-men = my people. I <3 you.
There's nothing wrong with console gaming though.
I lol'ed. Good one.
My reaction when I read the headline: "Here we freakin' go again."
For reals man.
I know it has nothing to do with this game, but when are we getting Yakuza 5?!
2013: The Year of the Dragon...
I like owning my anime. But I also don't see anything wrong with downloading from fansub groups. They do a better job than CR anyway.
Final Fantasy Tactics > Any other Final Fantasy.
That's cool and all, but I support the series by buying the manga. And when the blu-ray becomes available I'll get them as well. I don't like the Crunchyroll player. And can't get an HD stream if I don't pay so I don't bother with them.
GG fansubs is where it's at. =D
The music may not fit, but it describes the tone of the series through the lyrics. Which I think is very clever. The lyrics to the ending song as well, it's just the way it's presented is eerie.
It's certainly not for everyone. I don't mind it because I really enjoy the story. Especially since I'm up to date with the manga. What I don't like is that ending theme. It freaks me out all the time I hear it.
Same thing I was thinking. That scene was particularly disturbing. There was no ink involved in this incident so it could have been another manga, but then again, I don't think these girls wanted to get their clothes dirty.
As a Rangers fan I don't see how this is possible, but I like it!
I know. She was first introduced in Super Street Fighter II, but wasn't in many of the games after that. It took till Alpha 3 for her to be in that series, she wasn't even in the EX games and was not in my favorite Street Fighter III: Third Strike. She was in Capcom vs. SNK 2, which is considered to be the greatest…
You're nuts. She sucks now. Strictly from a fighting game point of view: MvC2 Jill >>>>>>>>>> MvC3/UMvC3 Jill
Cammy! Kreygasm. She's always been my main since the new challengers. I just wish she would become a mainstay in the Street Fighter games.
It's camo. lol.
I like your way of thinking. *passes you the popcorn*