Us sportsfans have our own vernacular its so funny when people don't get what we're saying. lol
Us sportsfans have our own vernacular its so funny when people don't get what we're saying. lol
OMG you NEED to finish that game. Like, now. There are only 4 Chapters in the game. If you made it that far you really owe it to yourself as a Final Fantasy fan to finish the game. The final boss was kinda dumb I'll admit, but the end credits and epilogue are just phenomenal.
VII had secret characters as well. Look, I get it. You love Final Fantasy VI. Most OG Final Fantasy fans swear by that game. As someone who has been playing those games since the SNES days (as I'm sure you have as well), I gotta say, by the time VI (III at the time) rolled around, I had already formed an affinity to…
That's the funniest thing about the FF VI elitists. They forget or tend to ignore that Tactics is marginally better than VI. Characters in VI do not hold a candle next to someone like Ramza.
Not everyone likes the AC games. I happen to be one of those people.
Some TVs have a setting that speeds up the frames. It's called motion flow on my tv. Makes sports looks really crisp.
It's probably because that's your local game.
Yeah. He seems like the kind of guy that likes to freelance more than anything. But still, I'd hope he come back to Square and pen the next 4 Final Fantasy games.
Amarant, Beatrix and Freya were the only good characters in Final Fantasy IX You guys are crazy. That game was not that good. I suggest playing Final Fantasy Tactics and experience real believable characters. Agrias <3 and OMG Ramza Freakin Beoulve! I hate you Square. *runs off crying*
Don't forget about they man that could have saved the company with his writing skills, Yasumi Matsuno. Square didn't give him a fair shake at things. Every game he was involved with at Squenix I loved.
Like the feature that gaming PC's have, play games? I dunno. What consoles do. lol. That's all I care about to be honest. Also the share features for fighting games and fighting game tournaments would be awesome. But that's a small contingent of gamers.
It's not the only feature the console is going to have. lol.
And that's a point that I think isn't emphasized enough. The Asian markets are huge for Sony (excluding China of course). Sony has been making a push into Latin America as well. There are developing nations down there in Latin America that have been slowly introduced to gaming and Sony is capitalizing on that.…
I posted this as a response to a fellow commenter and I thought I'd reiterate on this point for the sake of discussion:
I really haven't bought into that always online thing. Something about just sounds fishy to me. I just don't see Microsoft doing something like that. And this is coming from a guy who is more excited about the PS4 than anything else.
You make a good point. I was always a Playstation/Nintendo guy, but when I saw Lost Odessey, Tales of Vesperia and Star Ocean: The Last Hope along with Mass Effect (the latter two being out on 360 first) coming out exclusively on 360 I just had to get one. And I did. Played those games, loved them and then my 360 died…
That's very interesting. I've always wondered why stuff like that happens. But I guess they're catering to where the money is at. Sony did the same thing with their DVR thing (I think it's called Tourné) in Japan. All the cable box stuff seems to just cater to the young and new American crowd that doesn't want to pay…
For the sake of my projected number one pick in my fantasy league draft, I'm glad ALL DAY AP didn't get nominated for the cover. I think fans picked Barry Sanders for that very reason. lol.
You pretty much summed up what I didn't write but was implying/thinking. I appreciate his articles because I'm also a sports fan. He's one of the few people on Kotaku that I like reading.
Dangit you beat me to it! LMAO.