Black mom can get it though. If ya know what I mean. Lol.
Black mom can get it though. If ya know what I mean. Lol.
Heh, I figured out you could do that my second time playing the game. Since then I have always gone with Dark Purple and black, or just straight up all black. Dunno why.
Damnit Owen. Why are your articles so good?
I freakin loved the submarine mini game in FFVII. So much fun.
Exactly. I loved Triple Triad until that card queen bitch made the random rule part of the way the game is played EVERYWHERE. Efffffffff that!
My favorite music from Final Fantasy VII (that wasn't any of the Jenova battles) were the submarine sequences. That music was so good.
"Please look forward to our announcement." lol.
My nephew is going to love this game.
With this new watch will Microsoft justify another price increase to Xbox Live Gold? Only those who pay for Gold will get the full array of Xbox watch implementation.
Oh ho hooo, I see what you did there. lolololol.
Check out the Google Glass website. I didn't believe it myself but when I saw that video, my mind was blown. Not at what was being shown, but at the sheer possibilities this device holds.
I read it's basically a Mega Man style game. A glorified boss rush game. Looks pretty though. I haven't been able to play it yet.
Lmao. PS+ has made us so cheap. I'm with you though. Haha!
DQ9 was not a big deal in the west though.
That was the nail in the coffin for me with her. The feminist stuff and all that, I was okay with. Spoil a game I have been on media blackout for and it's a wrap son.
There haven't been many high profile games from Square Enix on the DS. The 3DS is a different story, but Square-Enix is broke son. I think that's why Nintendo is picking up the publishing tab on this one here in the States.
For me it was a huge spoiler. I was on media blackout for this game. I was so mad when I saw that post.
I don't, but you're telling me you didn't see that headline that was posted a few days ago about there being a baptism in Bioshock Infinite?! I glanced through it because anything Bioshock I just skim quickly.
I agree with you on the Internet thing. And I every media outlet I read from has done everything possible for readers to avoid spoilers EXCEPT Kotaku and I usually come to Kotaku first. First World Problems I guess, but they need to chill. Especially Patricia Hernandez. That last post she made about Bioshock Infinite…
Here's my complaint. I haven't played Bioshock Infinite as in waiting for the school semester to be over to fully enjoy it, but Kotaku has made it a personal vendetta to spoil just about everything but the ending. Stoooooop it Kotaku.