"Please be excited." lol
"Please be excited." lol
That's Square-Enix for ya.
Hehe. Good one. Square-Enix is such a joke these days.
Get your "Free Nomura" t shirt ready. Square-Enix is the Yakuza in this case. Poor guy. lol.
Yay the Kotaku fish! Haven't seen that bad boy in a while.
I would marry you right now if I could.
I must have misread your comment. I was about to be like, "She was in Enchanted...En-chan-TED."
I usually go with da ladiez in games, but the Dwarf and all his manliness is really making me change my decision.
Whoa whoa. What's wrong with Amy Adams?
Looks cool, but seeing this and the art style just makes me want Dragon's Crown ever more. Especially because of my two Waifus, Sorceress and Amazon.
But it had no slots for materia! =O
Since this gentleman takes request, I'm pretty sure there are going to be Buster Sword requests all over the place. I'd like to see him make the Hardedge that Cloud used during the motorcycle section when you're leaving Midgar (I know it's also a weapon you get a little later in the game).
The game was really fun. Starbreeze is really underrated as a developer in my opinion.
The new FPS Syndicate is a really fun game.
8.95 indeed. FrankerZ
Yeah I feel you. I still prefer PSN over XBL. Mostly because I'm cheap and I don't care about what and where people play. PS+ is the shizz though.
I do too man. I don't even game on 360 anymore. Playstation for me mostly.
Inb4 Sony had sh*t network.
Exactly. This game was shown off years ago, and the art has not changed at all. Like I said, it was probably posted for page hits on a slow news day.