
I respect that, and I see where you're coming from. However, bewbs. That is all. *drops keyboard and walks away*.

You just solidified my faith in this game. PS3 AND Vita version pre-ordered. I'll see you online, warrior. lol.

You shouldn't have to defend your position in not having a huge problem with the art direction of the game. It's the freakin babies on this site that piss me off. Always conplaining about some "politically correct" and feminist BS. I can guarantee that there are going to be female gamers that will gravitate to the

I blame the writer. It really does seem like he posted this just to get hits. Such BS. Better for the people who will actually buy the game and enjoy it. We won't have to deal with these hyper feminist that are so damn sensitive to anything and everything.

That's odd. Because from what I've been reading all over the web people are suck and tired of Microsofts shenanigans and are ready to jump ship to the PS4. I know it's all opinion based right now, but there's a lot of positive going for Sony right now. I'd like to know what failures you speak of. And if you're talking

I read the article. Hopefully tha game is good.

It's made on Unity, hopefully we'll see this on PSN/Vita. Looks amazing.

That's okay. I didn't play Super Metroid when it was on the SNES either. I actually finished it on an emulator on my PSP, lol go figure. It's definitely a game worth checking out, but it's not necessary. At least to me it's not. I actually liked Metroid Fusion more than Super Metroid to be honest.

I didn't really like Arkham City. Loved Arkham Asylum though. Shadow Complex is a game I'll never finish. My 360 broke for the third and final time around the time the game came out. And since it's exclusive to 360, I will never get to play it.

It looks too much like Super Metroid. As iconic as Super Metroid is, I'd rather people not make games tooooo similar to the source material. Just by looking at the screenshots I've seen, to me personally, it lacks originality. But thanks for the suggestion. I could be wrong, the game can come out and be amazing. I'll

I did! >_< Aria of Sorrow and Circle of the Moon are actually some of my favorites. I recently finished Order of Ecclesia at 100% a few months ago. What I meant to say was that I want a NEW Castlevania game made by Iga and his team.

If you just unlocked the blue punch move I would suggest you go to the Caverna de Pollo. It's challenging but really fun running the gauntlet against all those enemies. I also have to agree with the Vita controls. I started and played much of the game on my Vita. I started playing on PS3 and it took some time getting

Bringing up the 'Just Defend' system really makes me wish they'd make a new Capcom vs. SNK. CvS2 and 3rd Strike are my all time favorite fighting games.

I got excited for a second there and thought it was a new Clockwork Knight game. But it's Castle of Illusion so that's okay too. lol.


I really hope you're right.

Shuhei Yoshida has stated that they're "looking into" ways of monetizing the Gaikai service and their PS+ offerings on past podcasts (Playstation Blogcast and on Podcast Beyond).

NONE of what you mentioned is confirmed, as much as I'd love for it to be true. Sony has been hinting at a tiered plan for its services which has me worried. My next gen choice is almost assured a PS4/PC combo, but with all the bad news coming from the Microsoft camp, I wouldn't be surprised if the next Xbox blows

It's the Internet man. Tough guys/trolls behind a computer. You know how it goes. Cool people like us don't care much for drama.

LOL value the opinion of their customers. This is Microsoft we're talking about here. They value your money, nothing else.