I would suggest reading the manga a few chapters in to see if the story is for you. The first episode didnt really introduce any kind of plot. The story goes dark, very fast in the coming chapters and may not be for everyone.
I would suggest reading the manga a few chapters in to see if the story is for you. The first episode didnt really introduce any kind of plot. The story goes dark, very fast in the coming chapters and may not be for everyone.
A bit? The story is effed up. Like really effed up. But it's so good! I don't really care about the art style. I was excited when I read this was getting animated. I have the manga that they've released in English. It's a really interesting story.
It's a Cross-Buy title. One purchase of $14.99 (or $11.99 with PS+) will get you the Vita and PS3 version.
You know I'm right though. It's gonna happen. Everyone this generation became broke except Activision and Microsoft (I think). They're probably going to make transitional games until year 4 of the next generation (I'm totally exaggerating). lol.
Well Black2/White2 had some features specifically for the 3DS, but I haven't played them, nor will I. I'm just going to wait till X/Y (and the eventual Z version) to jump back in.
"It is incredible." -Luke Plunkett
Production on current gen games will NOT stop. This has been confirmed by the editors at the Playstation blog. Also, I'm pretty sure the next Call of Duty and Madden will be transitional titles on ALL the platforms.
Boneless ALL DAY SON.
Going back to back with another JRPG can be tough. I purchased all 3 Arland games in one shot (the limited editions :]) and my intention was to run through them back to back to back, but I just could not do it. So many characters, all those endings. I decided to get into my backlog after Rorona. I recently started…
Thaaaaaank yoooou. I was going to post this.
I see what you're saying, but some people like myself love games that aren't all about saving the world. The RPG mechanics are very bare bones but the alchemy system is fantastic and very addictive. Also, it's a light hearted series that has a certain brand of comedy that some may or may not enjoy. The Arland trilogy…
They're all self contained BUT, the characters from the previous entry are in this game. You'll miss out on some inside jokes in Totori if you didn't play Rorona. Not a deal breaker but I thought I'd mention that since no one else did.
And Magnemite. What a dumb design.
Missed opportunity with the Squirtle line. They didn't do the "WOO!" loud enough, but this was really funny.
It wasn't just go to gym > collect badges and then go collect em all. There's actually a story to it that wasn't overdone and boring (I thought Diamond/Pearl's story was dumb). There's an obvious twist in the first two games towards the end (B/W) but it's really interesting where the bad guy asks some mature questions…
Ouch. lol. Look I know there are some OG fans that think gen 1 is the best. I've been playing Pokémon since gen 1. Of course the first generation will always hold a special place in my heart BUT, all those designs weren't perfect. Just how every generation had some duds. Putting the actual monsters aside, Pokémon…
Oh come on. I've been playing these games since Red/Blue, you don't think I know that? It was a theory and with these new games I would hope that GameFreak tries something new. I liked the direction they were going with Black/White (and the sequels). Lets hope they keep it moving with that momentum.
They already 'captured' (geeeeeeeet it?) this old fan with Black/White. Seriously, Gen 5. Try it.
What if its just the natural evolution of Mew? It wouldn't make sense after 5 generations, but that would be better than a new 'forme'. I hate the aspect the newer games.
The Dominicans up the block from me have some fishy business. I remember one time I went to the bodega to buy some Pringles and Milk (I love living in Brooklyn) and I saw an Asian couple walk into the store and they ask the guy at the counter if he had any Xbox'es for sale. I lol'ed, but then all of a sudden the dude…