
She is from New York. Still a terrible writer.

This is why I can't stand her personally. Anytime she writes something or posts something I usually take it with a grain of salt. She acted like a child on that podcast.

Really digging the style of graphics. The content, not really up my alley. If this game is coming out on android, but not iOS, I think that is a really bad idea.

It looks almost identical to Polygon's website. Screw that. Keep Kotaku the way it is.

There was a game on the Sega CD! I forget the name, but the narrator said something along the lines of: "goo goo, ga ga, which means 'ill be back, with my dad.'" anyone know what game that was?

Those games were so goofy and fun.

Didn't they announce this as a PS3 exclusive? Either way, I'm still mildly interested in playing this.

Anyone who loves Final Fantasy XII gets an e-high five from me! =D

This anime is great. I love it so far and that opening theme is so good!

You do get the Championship Belt from Dio so it is possible that Cloud was a champ!

He went from a douchebag asshat, to a sensible goofball, to a world saving badass. All while having a dissociative identity disorder in between. What are you talking about? I recommend replaying FF7 again. You'll find more to the game than the hate that has been going around for it. The one character that has almost

Pretty much. I think I'm gonna go in a corner and cry.

Holy crap! Good find!


Don't be jerks Q. A PSN better be in the works.

Absolutely, I implied that in my comment.

Best Midna I've ever seen. Unfortunately, all other Midna cosplayers just can't stack up to this.

I really hope they include the original game as part of the whole package. Just for reference sake.

lol. Freakin Bloomberg.

This. ALL of this. lol.