wow. bravo man. freakin bravo! I'm literally in tears right now.
wow. bravo man. freakin bravo! I'm literally in tears right now.
I said it once and I'll say it again. This feature may not be for everyone, but for the competitive scene (MOBA's, FPS's and Fighting Games) this feature - if implemented right - is going to be a godsend.
Yet people still poo poo the Vita. The only gripe that I have with the Vita (and its a big one rightfully so) is the cost of their mandatory, proprietary memory cards. After that, the Vita is one serious game machine with a bunch of good games, and all those amazing PSP titles that no one bought. Also, PS+ is godlike.
Well, Lulu's......Onion Knight > all the others. lol.
You can get the PSOne version for dumb cheap. So, yes. I would prefer it to be the same price as Angry Birds.
Wow, really? That blows. Final Fantasy V is so underrated.
They still don't get it... And neither do the people who buy these iOS versions. We're all stuck in Square-Enix's money hungry vortex.
Not even through PS3-to-Vita transfer? I think you can do it like that. I've transferred some PSOne games that were not available for download on Vita over like that.
Simple for me actually. Yuna > Lightning. Hell, Kimari > Lightning. Gosh she is such a bad character.
Really?! Final Fantasy V isn't on the PSN? I could have sworn it was! I recently replayed FFV last year. Man that game is fun and charming.
Story was dumb. The gameplay was godlike. Freakin loved the Dressphere so much!
That's what I meant. Thanks! I'm glad, I'm not the only one who thinks this, though. lol.
Yes yes. I mean Offensive Lineman! Thanks.
Aw man. XBLA only. :(
No Anthony Muñoz? Best Defensive Lineman ever in my opinion. *sigh* D linemen never get their respect.
I do not disagree with you there. I played the first VJ on my GameCube actually, but the definitive versions were on PS2.
It's going to be something Final Fantasy related at E3. I can feel it.
And that is why we need more Viewtiful Joe. Screw you Capcom. Just HD collection both games. I don't care if you make Microsoft angry because it'll be exclusive to PS3. You did it with Okami!
Oh man. Imagine a challenge tower based on The Pharos at Ridorana?!
Even without Scrooge McDuck, Birth by Sleep is the best Kingdom Hearts.