I'll agree. That's why I played the game with the Japanese voice overs.
I'll agree. That's why I played the game with the Japanese voice overs.
Welcome to Kotaku. Where negativity is king.
I'd like to see them work on different Nintendo properties in all reality. Like work on a new handheld Zelda. The recent ones have been bad and gimmicky in my opinion. But we'll see. All I'll say is that Nintendo really sold me on a 3DS this year. My Vita has been getting a lot of love lately with the JRPG's.
I feel ya. But those are different devs. In my opinion there have only been two good Paper Mario games. The first one and The Thousand Year Door. In comparison to the past three Mario & Luigi games where they have all been good.
Wow. I'm so blind. Nice catch! IM EVEN MORE HYPE NOW!
You are right! I forgot about that. I really love the Mario & Luigi games. I hope Nintendo gives them a shot at a full console game and not relegate them to only handhelds. Not that I don't mind those handheld games.
The analog sticks look good. I'm pretty sure they're gonna use a Vita type layout for the dpad. And since its a prototype, the final version will probably get cleaned up a bit. Either way, I'm still pumped for this Wednesday. HYPE TRAIN!
ALRIGHT NINTENDO! I get it. First you show me a new Pokeymanz that I must have and now this. You even stayed true to the art style. I get it. I'm buying a 3DS soon okay? Sheesh.
OHHH duuude! I doubt Nintendo would make that call back. But if they do. I think my head will explode.
Looks like a dragon type. But a normal/flying would also make sense. In either case, shouldn't it have wings?
What if Sony is trolling us all, and Feb. 20 is just a conference for The Last Guardian?!
Heh, that's actually a good point. lol.
Ohhhh, Ahhburn!
Ummm, PS3 devkit maybe?
The exploit in Chapter 7 (I think) helped me barrel through the game :)
Jann over Largo in Valkyria Chronicles. Even though they were both awesome.
Just give me Brave Fencer Musashi and the Drakenguard games on PSN please.
I think you meant Final Fantasy VIII?