I feel you on this, but I have to disagree. These services save gamers physical space and time (connecting old consoles to tv's and the like). It's convienent and it seems to work just fine.
I feel you on this, but I have to disagree. These services save gamers physical space and time (connecting old consoles to tv's and the like). It's convienent and it seems to work just fine.
Physical games are still region free. But your argument makes sense when it comes to stuff like DLC and demos.
I swear reading the comments for this reveal is like the whole DmC Dante fiasco all over again.
Really good commercial. Made me laugh.
I felt that way last gen. But for some reason I'm really pumped about the next generation of consoles. I guess it's because there's nothing but pure speculation. I think it also helps that I'm usually a positive kind of guy compared to all the negative Nancy-type gamers on the Internet.
As others have stated. I love you so much right now! lol.
I love Cool, Cool Mountain so much!
Don't play with my man-emotions right now, son!
Guys, just watch a Team Spooky stream. FGC at it's finest. No sexism, no bs. Just Mahvel, Street Fighter and the rest. HOLD DAT.
"Proof That Cammy Cosplay Can Be Fantastic Without Having To Flash Your Butt"
It looks like a hard drive. lol. I'm so excited for the announcement. Watch it be a new firmware for the Vita. lmao.
While it does happen in the United States, here in New York stuff like that will NOT fly on the subway.
wow. That was uncalled for.
That was really good! lol.
I really wish these articles were around back in 2008 when Valkyria Chronicles was out. Truly an underrated and under appreciated game.
I really hope so. At least as a graphical showpiece you know? I haven't trusted SE with story in games since Final Fantasy XII and that was a Matsuno joint. I doubt they still have it in them. Here's hoping they prove me wrong. Either way, I truly am excited for this next gen of consoles. And yes, I do consider the…
I loved the current generation of consoles. I bought my 360 for Mass Effect and my PS3 for Final Fantasy Versus XIII. While the purchase of my PS3 hasn't been a wash at all, I'm kinda upset that Versus XIII has been on Square-Enix's back burner for so long. With Lightning Returns AND A Realm Reborn, I see Versus…
If you're willing to take some time and learn the in's and out's of the game, then I'd recommend you check it out. Don't feel bad if the game is not for you. If you're still skeptical, try renting it.
Would you consider the FGC prime and ready for e-sports? Because while the games are the ultimate in competitiveness, the community is so reluctant to accept it.