I dunno. Can't really say. This past Apex had a pretty hype mirror MK match and grand finals for Brawl, but if the fans don't get past Melee being the pinnacle of the series, the community will never grow. :(
I dunno. Can't really say. This past Apex had a pretty hype mirror MK match and grand finals for Brawl, but if the fans don't get past Melee being the pinnacle of the series, the community will never grow. :(
Yeah, you right. lol.
Jesus, you had to be THAT guy. Don't be a dick on the Internet. It's just a little fun.
Timothy-sama, I salute you for an great article. Football is the shiz. Always and forever. To all the soccer fans out there yeah, soccer IS great, but that doesn't give ya'll the right to bash our game - American Football.
Hurr hurr. I grew up watching sports. My dad, an immigrant from Ecuador introduced me to futbol - as it's spelled in Ecuador and other Spanish-speaking countries - and I enjoy it very much. Even at that, American Football is and always will be a very entertaining and an amazing sport. It sucks that there are people…
DAT ENDING >_< Just when I was starting to accept that looking at Poison in SFxT wasn't a bad thing....
You mean outselling the 360 worldwide?
Call me what you want, b. I have all major consoles. I don't discriminate. Just scrubs like you who make subjective statements and treat them as fact are more fanboyish than anything. HOLD DAT.
Exactly! I hope these are the 'alterations' they're working on for the new controller.
Except it's not. It's loved the world over. But that's okay. Live in your world with your friends. I'll live in my real world. Stay free hater.
Sounds like message board fanboy rants and complaints to me. If you're complaining about console gaming in general, then fine. I'm right there with you. But to say that Sony is the only company fighting against pre-owned games? C'mon money, you can do better than that. The PSN month outage I would say Sony did good on…
I don't care what your friends think ho!
Although native to Japan, I really wish these ads would air around the globe. Hearing Matsuzaki-San hit those high notes both make me laugh hysterically at how ridiculous it is and fill me with joy.
What kind of abuse does Sony hand out to its gamers? I'd be curious to know. And I've never had a problem (minus the red ring situation) with my ecksbawks. Granted, I'm not a dummy. I don't pay for Gold.
ERR! Wrong. The Dualshock is a staple in gaming. Like it or not. The 360 controller is not universally loved as most American gamers would like you to think.
We're talking about a NES, SNES, and GBAdvance game here. I don't think Nintendo would be risking anything in bringing these games over. My opinion would be that there is some kind of licensing or legal issue that hasn't been worked out for them to bring these games out of Japan.
I had the same problem, but there's a solution for that. Per the default controls, don't move the left stick. The right stick is to slice, the left stick is to aim. Simple. It made slicing infinitely enjoyable. Oh, and you can change the stick layout in the menus if you please. Makes it easier for people who are used…
It's Kotaku, man. Most of the kids on here don't appreciate new stuff.
Not sure if trolling...or just a troll by nature.