
Ahhhhh! I've been on media blackout for this game and I just HAD to read the comments! >_< either way. I'm SO pumped for this game!

Final Fantasy VI is overrated and Final Fantasy XII is underrated. Final Fantasy VI lovers are mostly nostalgia heads. I'd rate V over VI ANY day.

Thank you. She is honestly one of the most underrated characters in Street Fighter. Plus she's hawt!

The Argorok boss battle in Twilight Princess; your argument is invalid. ;p

Skyward Sword is the worst Zelda, in my opinion. The people who say TP was the worst are probably the people that played the Wii version. I played the glorious GameCube version :)

Twilight Princess is the second best 3D Zelda. The first being Wind Waker, obviously.

I think you meant Skyward Sword.

You forgot about that Drippy plush doll! That's what's worth it! >_<

Agreed. It's a rarity in RPG's. Even JRPG's. I like how, even though I'm a guy, the Arland girls are just so dang charming. I can't get enough of it. Haha. But, in order to counterbalance the kawaii-ness of it all, I have to keep my man card. So, double XP weekend for Black Ops 2 should suffice. lol.

If you think that's bad, wait until later on. Without spoiling anything, our virgin hero is really dull. The Demon King...she's thirstaaaaay.

I've read some of the manga just to look ahead on the series. I actually prefer the anime's art style. Either way its a surprisingly good story.

OMG I forgot about Toki Tawa! T_T

I'm currently reading along with the second season, but I ended up reading ahead a little more. I can see getting bored if its the same thing over and over again. I'm digging the lore though.

I actually love Rorona a lot. I got all the endings minus the millionaire ending. Finished with about 80% of the trophies acquired. I honestly don't like the day consumption mechanic in Totori, but the game is just FULL of charm. It's unfortunate that these games are looked over just because of their aesthetic and

I feel ya. I feel this year is going to be my backlog year. I finished Rorona last summer, with 80% trophies and decided it was time to move on. I'm loving Totori so far so I'll be excited to finish that and start Meruru. But the problem is that I have Ni No Kuni, Atelier Ayesha, Tales of Xillia and Metal Gear Rising

I don't have the game yet either. Too busy with mai waifu, Totori. Then Meruru. Them Arland girls sure know how to get at my heart.

Thank you. Truth.

I noticed the same thing. I had fun trying to take that sucka down in the demo. That cat should teach Raiden some moves. Haha.

Cavia was such an under appreciated and underrated studio. Shame on Square for dismantling that studio.

Funny enough I'm 88 chapters into the manga and loving it. I started reading it after episode 15 of the current anime. It's really good stuff.