EXACTLY. These people are crazy.
I would recommend you go back. I was of the same opinion when I first played FF XII. I recently went back and played it. Great game. Great story and the voice acting was impeccable.
Square knows we want this game, but Square doesn't really care what we want. Square wants them dolla dolla billz ya'll.
*Looks at Balthier and Basch*... your argument is invalid. But seriously, let's compare say...Hope to Larsa. No contest in terms of believable character. I mean c'moooooon. You're gonna tell me that a character like Vanille was better than Panelo or even Fran (and her ridiculous outfit)?
Ha! You are crazy, but I respect your opinion. I just can't, in good faith, say that the shonen BS story that was FF XIII is better than FF XII. No way no how.
Did you finish Tactics and XII? Especially XII because from XII to XIII was a major step down in the wrong direction when it came to storytelling.
No love for XII huh? That pains my heart.
Final Fantasy VIII, XII, and Tactics are my all time favorite Final Fantasy soundtracks.
Final Fantasy VIII, XII, and Tactics are my all time favorite Final Fantasy soundtracks.
I thought I read Level 5's Fastasy Life was coming to the US. I'm sad now.
I feel bad that Square-Enix's image has been tarnished by this trilogy. Not saying that they're terrible games, they're okay. Not Final Fantasy standard, just okay. With these games and how Final Fantasy XIV was initially received, I hope that SE can regain their image with A Realm Reborn and moving forward, but their…
60fps. Can't wait. I passed on DmC for this.
That's actually pretty funny. Still, even though the new Dante looks okay, my gripe isn't with his design. It's with the ugly design of the world, the 30fps AND that outdated, shiny-character-making Unreal Engine. Ugggh. I would suggest at least playing the Devil May Cry 4 demo before going out and saying that DmC is…
Never in my life would I have associated my mans Killa Cam with Devil May Cry. This is really good! lol.
They owe him ALL the millions. Dude was smart with his investment. It kills me that every time I purchase tickets to a game I'm putting some cash in BB's bank account.
Actually, it was announced for 3DS and Vita. PSP was later announced.
Same thing I was thinking! Lmao.
Time Traverlers was planned as a multi portable from the start. It's on PSP, Vita and 3DS.
Where is the special Pikachu edition 3DS XL?! Europe and Japan got it, why not North America?!