
The only thing I liked about Final Fantasy XIII...it's graphics.

Who is this terrible human being that makes these hilarious comic strips?

I give Nitroplus and 5pb! A vote of confidence for the second half of this series. Chaos;Head, while kinda weird had a crazy story that I dug and Steins; Gate is amazing. I'm digging Robotics; Notes so far. There's a lot of mystery and intrigue to keep me coming back every week.


How about a few PSN trophies? Hmmmmm?

It's what Japan Studio worked on. This would be cool on other platforms, but I don't mind. I'm one of the few that actually own a Vita.

Sadly...I'd TOTALLY go for that Platinum!

You monster!

This is all you need to know what Konami thinks of Suikoden:

Wow. I guess my bitching got to them. I had to send in my PS3 for repairs during the holidays and I missed out on some really good sales because I had no other way of purchasing games. I'm glad Sony is finally getting their collective ish together in the digital space.

Can't take you serious if you're gonna go ahead and insult me by saying I'm sitting on my ass. I purchased all the Suikoden games when they were released. And when Suikoden 1 was released on PSN I purchased it as well TO SHOW MY SUPPORT. Konami can do as they please, but I'll tell you what, they sure as hell won't be

I'm not missing the point. I'm being realistic. When has a major Japanese company besides Nintendo listened to its fans and given in to their demands? Let's be real here. It's unfortunate, but this generation we've seen so much reluctance from companies because they're afraid of taking risks and such. Everyone is

I'm aware it's only available on the US PSN. It's not that difficult to get a US PSN card and buy the game. As to those saying that it'll end up on other platforms, we're talking about Konami here. I'd be shocked, SHOCKED, if they release these games anywhere but PSN as PSOne classics. I'm aware they released SoTN for

Suikoden 1 is already on PSN. Are these really fans of the series? Anyway, it would be awesome to get Suikoden 2 on PSN.

I was waiting for some smart guy on the Internet to make that comment. You win.

VF5 is there. Last years final in VF5 was amazing, but let's face it, the one true fighting game My Little Pony is gonna win. lol jk the only games I would like to see win out are between CvS2 aka thegreatestfightereverinvented, MvC2 (duhh) or 3rd Strike. Screw it, if Sony were smart they'd get all their employees to

I NEVER chose the fire starter (Water all the way), but if that little dudette were to evolve into anything close to Amaterasu-looking I'd be all over that. Then again that frog starter... it has a freakin' fur coat, son!

Done and done...well, I'll just 'borrow' my nephew's 3DS. He's in his Lego Star Wars phase. He doesn't need it...Goodness I'm a monster.

That would be a turtle my friend. I was a huge fan in kindergarten. I read damn near all the books.

Same thing here. I hadn't played a pokemon game since Ruby/Sapphire. I backed out by the time Emerald was out. I always wanted to get back in but never did until I got White version for cheap on eBay. 130 hours+ later I'm already looking into buying a 3DS in anticipation for X version (because I'm dude a X sounds